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Issues with Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Server version (On Premise)

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Hi, we have issues with one of our CRM and need to uninstall it, however it seems like it isn't possible with the 9.1.x.x versions. When launching the Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Server the following error shows up. This is happening 100% of the time on all our installed 9.1 versions and not when using version 9.0. Note the we have tried installing the latest version ( to no avail. 
So my questions are:
  • Is this happening to others? Or is it just us?
  • How to fix? We tried to add the missing .dll in the server GAC under the MSIL, without success.
  • Tried changing the version in the Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Server.exe.config also not working.
  • Un-installing via Add Remove program doesn't work since the feature calls the same tool.
  • It is impossible to remove the 9.1.x update, I was hoping to revert it to the V9.0, but that was also a fail.
Windows server 2019 no service pack.

Translation: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Crm.LocatorService' threw an exception
Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
Thank you for any assistance.
  • Issues with Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Server version (On Premise)
    Hello everyone, 
    Thank you Bill for the Tools folder suggestion, while it works, new errors are showing their ugly head. I'll post a new thread if no resolution.
    @Pedro, thank you for your post, we will go ahead and redo a fresh install following these steps, although if we can't use the Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Server how are we to uninstall the CRM? I know there are instructions out there on how to remove a CRM manually, but those I seen were old and reference version 2015 (if I remember correctly).
    There must be more than just delete the CRM install folder, registry etc.

    For now, we will simply update to 9.1.20 and then use the uninstaller to uninstall.
  • Daniel Schneider Profile Picture
    Daniel Schneider 172 on at
    Issues with Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Server version (On Premise)
    Hello all,
    @Pedro Thanks for your help and detailed explanation. But I can't explain why this problem occurs now.
    I have done these steps:
    1. installed CRM Server 9.0
    2. installed last CU of CRM v9.0
    3. upgrade to CRM v9.1 with the 1st version
    4. installed CU
    Already done several times and never had these problems.
    About a month ago I wanted to upgrade my SQL and SSRS Server 2016 to 2019.
    All were new clean installs and since then this error occurs. On the old CRM server with version and SQL and SSRS 2016 this error does not occur. The only problem I have here is that I can't debug BPFs with the plugin profiler. But that is another issue.
    Since Microsoft doesn't adjust anything on the older CUs and I have them backed up locally, I don't understand the problem. If there is a problem with matching the DLL in the DB, you should be able to customize it in the DB, shouldn't you?
    As far as I know Microsoft recommends exactly these upgrade steps I described.
    The fix @Bill described also works for me, but I always get errors when I try to install the CRM Reporting Extension (empty SSRS instance and ReportServer$SSRS service does not exist). I have tried all the suggested solutions, but without success. I can't explain this problem, but I'll let you know when I have a solution.
  • Suggested answer
    Issues with Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Server version (On Premise)
    Hello all,
    Hope you are well.
    I'm pasting here some facts that may or may not help you but should be close. If you have any follow-up questions let us know.
    - In version 9.0.46 and version 9.1.16, newtonsoft.json dll was updated from version 11 to 13.
    - This means that any downgrade from those versions will not work properly, since uninstall does not replace the DLL.
    - In fact, uninstalling a CRM patch is something that does not bring ever good results. First because DB versions are not downgraded and 2nd because a perfect uninstall regarding dlls versions cannot be executed.
    In terms of jumping from high v9.0.47+++ builds into v9.1, due to a problem with files versioning, you will always need to jump into 9.1.20 since this file versioning is fixed. Otherwise you will get organization errors everywhere since the DB excepts files that are were not upgraded on moving the server to v9.1. New orgs will also fails, since files are not updated to match the DB version we are trying to create.
    For  @daniel schneider problem, the solution is to upgrade the server to v9.1.20. 
    The generic solution here for netwonsoft.json mistmatches, would be to reinstall CRM and make sure the dynamics 365 folder is deleted before reinstalling. Jumping inplace upgrade from 9.0.46+++ into something lower than 9.1.16 will cause newtonsoft.json mismatch.
    For other errors on organizations handling on servers/dbs that were upgrade to v9.0.47++++ and then v9.1, solution is to move the server up until v9.1.20.
  • Suggested answer
    Issues with Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Server version (On Premise)
    Hi Daniel,
    I was able to fix this error last night. I went to the Tools folder in the Dynamics 365 folder on the app server. I checked the Newtonsoft.json.dll and it was version was 13. I replaced it with version 11 and I didn't receive the error anymore. I am able to create a new org now and update an existing org. I hope this helps.
  • Daniel Schneider Profile Picture
    Daniel Schneider 172 on at
    Issues with Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Server version (On Premise)
    Hey Bill,
    thank you for your answer. I tried a clean installation of CRM Server with Evaluation Key and at the same point I got this error.
    I use Windows Server 2022 Datacenter and SQL 2019 Developer. I will check it with earlier versions of SQL and I will let you know if I get any informations or solutions.
    Kind regards,
  • Issues with Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Server version (On Premise)
    Hi Daniel,
    I'm having the same issue. I posted on this forum a week ago and no answers yet.
    I also posted on Stack Overflow and no answers from there either. 
    I'm working with an outside contractor and they are going to open a ticket with MS. If we are able to solve this I will post the solution here.
  • Daniel Schneider Profile Picture
    Daniel Schneider 172 on at
    Issues with Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Server version (On Premise)
    Hi all,
    any updates or solutions for this? I have exactly the same issue.
    My steps:
    2. installed CU
    3. Upgraded Organization after installation manually
    4. installed first CU
    5. Upgraded Organization after installation manually
    6. installed CU
    7. Upgrade organization was not updated automaticalle and manual update shows same error message
    8. Create new organization shows same error message on report server during the check at the end of the setup wizard.
    Can anyone help please?

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