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Electronic Reporting line break

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Posted on by 44
I'm trying to validate line breaks that we entered into a report format. We used CHAR(10) & CHAR(13) - and also tried just CHAR(10). When I look at the output TXT file (UTF-8 no BOM) it looks normal. But I noticed Notepad is calling everything line 1 and column XXXX. 
I ran the file through Notepad++ and it shows everything on a single line with no CR LF. 

When I go to test the format and put text before and after it feeds right. I entered /TE/ & CHAR(10) & CHAR(13) & /ST/ and it returns TE ST on two lines (see below).
Is this fine? Or am I using the wrong kind of break? Is it the field settings?
  • Suggested answer
    bcbeats Profile Picture
    bcbeats 44 on at
    Electronic Reporting line break
    I found the issue. The CR LF was getting cut off by the max sequence length in both the header and MainSequence. Added some allowed length and it's fine.
  • bcbeats Profile Picture
    bcbeats 44 on at
    Electronic Reporting line break
    Hi all, this is an issue. Even though it reads.correctly in notepad it doesn't keep the carriage return/line feed. This is for a positive pay file.
    The file type is TXT (UTF-8 with no BOM). Also tried UTF-8 and still had the same result. I tried CHAR(13)&CHAR(10), and each on their own. <br> is for html so I don't think it works here.
    I made sure that special characters line break is on for MainSequence. But unlike the case referenced I can't seem to unmap MainSequence without losing transactions. If I only have Transactions mapped to model.PositivePayTransactions then I only get the first transaction.
    I also have a Header group in mine. It doesn't break either unless I add the special characters to Transactions. When I do that I get a break after the header, then breaks on every field in Transactions rather than after each transaction.
  • Alireza Eshaghzadeh Profile Picture
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh 13,578 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Electronic Reporting line break
    Hi Beaton, 
    Can you share more info on what is your file type on the format designer? Can you change the maximum length? 
    char(13) is carriage return and char(10) is line feed,  what is binding that you have created for the field? Do you just using Char(13)&Char(10)? Do you use them in combination with other formular like
     "Invoice Id="& model.InvoiceBase.Id &CHAR(10)&
     "Amount="& TEXT(model.InvoiceBase.Amount)
    or Concatenate function.
  • Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Electronic Reporting line break
    You can refer to the following three old threads, the problem maybe wasn't line break itself but double quotation that had to be introduced in string in order to excel recognizes it as one cell. You achieved this with using CHAR(34) as "" at the beginning and in the end of string with Concatenate function. Or you can try to use the <br> for including line breaks and put it into double quotes. 
    Best regards,

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