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Finance forum

Error while generating "Report sales tax for settlement period"

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Posted on by 672

Hi Champs,

I am trying to open the following report:


But when I am trying to generate the report after inputting parameters, it is giving following errors:


Error 1: An error occurred during the 'Format mapping' run. For more information, contact your system administrator.
Error 2: Excel file %1 is broken or has incorrect structure
Error 3: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.OpenXmlPackageException: The specified package is invalid. The main part is missing. at DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.OpenXmlPackage.Load() at DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.SpreadsheetDocument.Open(Stream stream, Boolean isEditable, OpenSettings openSettings) at Dynamics.AX.Application.OxmlSpreadsheetDocument_RU.`constructFromStream(Stream _stream) in xppSource://Source/ApplicationFoundation\AxClass_OxmlSpreadsheetDocument_RU.xpp:line 87 at Dynamics.AX.Application.OxmlSpreadsheetDocument_RU.constructFromStream(Stream _stream) at Dynamics.AX.Application.XMLExcelDocument_RU.`openDocument(Stream _stream) in xppSource://Source/ApplicationFoundation\AxClass_XMLExcelDocument_RU.xpp:line 425 --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
It seems that there is something related to setting up excel file mapping but I literally have don't any idea where to see its related configurations if there are any.
Any guidance will be highly appreciated.

  • Error while generating "Report sales tax for settlement period"
    Hello, We are also getting the similar error
    We are at version 10.0.37 

    The report is for Belgium
    An error occurred during the 'Format mapping' run. For more information, contact your system administrator.
    Evaluating binding of format component Folder/VAT declaration preview (BE)/Group_OutgoingOperations/Box_00.
    Error while evaluating expression for path 'Boxes/Box_00'.
    Error while evaluating expression for path 'ReportFieldGroups/$00_ExemptSalesSpecialScheme/aggregated/TaxBaseAmountCur'.
    Error while evaluating expression for path '$ReportFieldClassifier'.
    Error while evaluating expression for path 'Lookups/$ReportFieldLookup'.
    No matched condition is found for Lookup based on format enumeration 'ReportField' in company 'e400
  • lauradownserp Profile Picture
    lauradownserp 10 on at
    RE: Error while generating "Report sales tax for settlement period"


    We're currently on 10.0.14, it seems to open for some users and other users get the same error messages as above, regardless of the security roles they possess.

  • Ramit Paul Profile Picture
    Ramit Paul 22,373 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Error while generating "Report sales tax for settlement period"


    Which version you are using and getting this issue?

  • lauradownserp Profile Picture
    lauradownserp 10 on at
    RE: Error while generating "Report sales tax for settlement period"


    Did you find a solution for this in the end?


  • Aman Bhatia Profile Picture
    Aman Bhatia 5 on at
    RE: Error while generating "Report sales tax for settlement period"

    Hi Ludwig,

    Could you please redirect me to the hotfixes that you have mentioned about.

    I am facing the similar issue for Norwegian entity, but unable to find the hotfixes.



  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Error while generating "Report sales tax for settlement period"


    What D365FO version do you operate?

    If you are not on the latest one, please check the available hotfixes in LCS.

    I had a quick look and found some for version 7.3., 8.0 and even 8.1.

    Best regards,


  • Ehtasham Rahman Profile Picture
    Ehtasham Rahman 672 on at
    RE: Error while generating "Report sales tax for settlement period"

    We are trying for UAE

  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Error while generating "Report sales tax for settlement period"


    For which country did you setup sales tax?

    Can you share some details on your setup, tax configuration and tax recordings made?

    Many thanks,


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