Dear CRM community.
Sometimes the frontend of our Dynamics CRM 2016 installations are a bit unresponsive and it sometimes seems that this happens when there are a lot of long running jobs on our backend servers.
Now i wanted to ask if you think it could be A. possible and B. could have a positive impact on our frontend servers for our users if we install a Loadbalancer and then route all the requests from our backendservers to frontendserver nr1 and route all our client requests to frontend servers nr2. So even if the backendserver does a lot of CRUD operations through the Organization Service the frontend server for our users wouldnt be under heavy load. Iam well aware that both meet at database level, iam just intrested what you guys think of that idea. So the loadbalancer listens on and then routes either to frontendserver nr1. or frontendserver nr2. depending on source IP of either the backendserver or the client ip range.
Looking forward to your opinions.
Regards, Thomas