I am trying to Import Opportunities from Onpremise system to Online system , but while Importing I am gettin the following error message.
CRM service call returned an error: SecLib::AccessCheckEx2 failed. Returned hr = -2147187962, ObjectId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, OwnerId: b5471836-316b-e811-a9d1-000d3a2540b9, OwnerIdType: 8 and CallingUser: e8e35877-2275-e811-a9d9-000d3a254640, CallerBusinessId: 430e01de-da69-e811-a84d-000d3a2afe2d. ObjectTypeCode: 3, ObjectBusinessUnitId: 430e01de-da69-e811-a84d-000d3a2afe2d, AccessRights: CreateAccess. Computed rightsToCheck=CreateAccess, grantedRights=8, hsmGrantedRights=None, grantedRightsWithHsm=8.CRM service call returned an error: Entity Reference cannot have Id and Key Attributes empty.
I tried to give administrator rights to user and import , but the error message wont go.I dont get if it is access problem or something else..
can any one please help with this problem..