I need to track user Productivity.
I want to do something like:
SELECT /USER/ , count(*) as Cntr
FROM PM10000 -- Work / Un-posted Transactions
But there does not seem to be any user info in the Work table.
PM20000 -- Open/Posted Transactions has the user who posted the batch not who entered the voucher.
Is there a way to see who entered the voucher?
Thanks. That answered my question.
Just wanted to make sure I did miss something.
You are correct that there isn't a created/saved field in the PM series tables to designate the creator of the document, only the posting user. As such, you may want to develop a SQL trigger to update a separate shadow table when 'Save' is selected that would record such information at your discretion if needed for purposes of logging productivity. I am not aware if such an item already exists in the partner channel but hopefully we will get additional recommendation based on your thread content.
Best Regards,
Jeff Grant
Microsoft Dynamics GP Support
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