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Customer Service forum

Portal Case URL link

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I hope what I am trying to describe makes sense so here goes:

Our instance of Dynamics has a workflow that sends out an email when the case has been closed that contains a link to a survey.  Is it possible to also include a link that directs the customer to the case in the Customer-Self Service Portal?  I know that it's possible to include a Dynamics URL in an email sent internally to the owner of the case within the CRM but can the same be done externally for customers?  Also since customer have to log-in, they should be prompted to login to the portal if not already done so.

Thanks for any help that can be provided.

  • Suggested answer
    PS Profile Picture
    PS 23,577 on at
    RE: Portal Case URL link

    Hi There

    First of all you have to create a custom field on your case, say GUID. check this

    Then in your workflow you will have to include the case details URL and suffix the GUID field, see example below: replace this by your portal URL

    support/edit-case/ replace this by your case page partial URL

    then at the end add "?=GUID"

  • scottch Profile Picture
    scottch on at
    RE: Portal Case URL link

    I was using that link to generate GUID but if it only applies for the CRM, how do I generate the portal GUID?

  • Suggested answer
    RaviKashyap Profile Picture
    RaviKashyap 55,410 on at
    RE: Portal Case URL link


    The link you have mentioned talks about generating the CRM record link but if I am not wrong you are looking for portal url link. As mentioned in my first response, you need to build I as ttps://<Yourportalurl>/<Your Web Page>?id={Dynamicaly pass case guid}

    Please try this and post here your response.

  • scottch Profile Picture
    scottch on at
    RE: Portal Case URL link

    Thank you for that Ravi.  I attempted to follow the steps/suggestions from this post,, but the workflow resulted in an error for the customer self-service portal.  Is there another way that I can achieve this?

  • Suggested answer
    RaviKashyap Profile Picture
    RaviKashyap 55,410 on at
    RE: Portal Case URL link


    There is no dynamics url property for the portals but you can build the url by yourself i.e. https://<Yourportalurl>/<Your Web Page>?id={Dynamicaly pass case guid}

    Hope this helps.

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