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Always include Primary Contact's email address in CC

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Hi guys,

I have the following question, but first a little explanation.

In CRM, in the case form, we have a custom filed called "customer primary email address", this filed never gets changed and it is auto-populated by the contact record.


Sometimes it happens (you all know that) when you have an email conversation and include multiple people in the email, there is always that one guy that will hit REPLY instead of REPLY ALL and will throw out all other recipients.

After that it is easy sometimes for the support agent to miss that and when replying to actually reply only that that one guy who broke up the chain.

So, I was wondering if there is a way that I can make a rule, script or something (along with a checkbox) either in the case or the email form saying something like (Always include in CC), so when this box is checked the email address in the primary email address filed will always be included in any email regardless if you hit reply or reply all.

Different options are also more than welcome but the outcome basically is the same - a specific email to be always included in CC of new emails and to have an option to opt-out for those that we don't want to be.

Let me know if something is unclear.

Best regards


  • Verified answer
    LeoAlt Profile Picture
    LeoAlt 16,329 on at
    RE: Always include Primary Contact's email address in CC

    Hi partner,

    From a technical point of view, this is possible.

    As we konw, when you create an emial from your case, the "Regarding" field on the email form will store the case record.


    This gives us a chance to meet your requirement and here are the details.

    1. Cretae a "Two Options" field (boolean field) on your case form.

    2. Write a js code on the email form with this logic:

    get the related caseid from "Regarding" field -->get the boolean field value and parimy email address field value of the case through web api with caseid -->if the boolean value is "True", then add the parimy email address to "To" or "CC", otherwise nothing need to done.

    3. Add the code to email form "onload" event and then save&publish.

    Hope it helps.

    Best Regards,


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