I have added some field on Released product details form (General tab of released products form), i want to control the enable disable property of them based on one another so i wrote the logic on form init and modified, but the init method doesn't hit for details form it only hits when we open the released products by navigating to Product information manaagement >> released Products, but not when we double click on the item and open the details form.
How do i extend the Release product details form init?
The code i wrote is as below:
public void init()
next init();
InventTable inventTable;
FormControl control1 = this.design().controlName(formControlStr(EcoResProductDetailsExtended, control1_Field1));
FormControl control2 = this.design().controlName(formControlStr(EcoResProductDetailsExtended, control1_Field2));
if (inventTable.field2 == NoYes::Yes)
inventTable.field1 = NoYes::No;
control1.enabled(inventTable.field2 == NoYes::No);
but this code never gets executed on form, someone please help me