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Microsoft Dynamics GP forum

taPopRcptLineTaxInsert vs taPOPIvcTaxInsert

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I'm creating an eConnect integration to match Receipts against Purchase Orders in Dynamics GP.  I'm using taPopEnterMatchInvHdr and taPopEnterMatchInvLine.  I'm at the point now where I need to incorporate taxes.  Do I use taPopRcptLineTaxInsert or do I use taPOPIvcTaxInsert?  What's the difference?  Thank you.

  • Verified answer
    Lucas Miller Profile Picture
    Lucas Miller on at
    RE: taPopRcptLineTaxInsert vs taPOPIvcTaxInsert


    The answer for these kinds of questions are almost always going to come from the eConnect Programmer's Guide.  If you look at that help file and drill down to the POPEnterMatchInvoiceType definition you'll see the available nodes as well as an example of the XML so you know the order they should be called.

    In your specific example you'll want to use taPopRcptLineTaxInsert.

    taPopIvcTaxInsert is used in the POTransactionType.

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