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Total discount on salesinvoice

Posted on by Microsoft Employee


I have tried to find out how to set the discount on the lines and the roral discount. But what I found was very confusing, so I hope someone here can explain to me how to setup the discounts.

I have been in Sales & Marketing -> Setup -> Price/Discount and activate all of them.

But I dont know how to use them i an invoice.


Best regards


  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Total discount on salesinvoice

    Update on this.

    I have added DiscountPercentage and DiscountAmount to my report manually and now it looks like the way I want.


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Total discount on salesinvoice

    Ram K., Im modifing the salesinvoice report in visual studio, and I cant find the Total Discount filed in the fieldlist. I think that would be the solution if I can find it.

  • RamK Profile Picture
    RamK 2,580 on at
    RE: Total discount on salesinvoice

    Hi Mahyar, Can you please add "Total Discount"field in the Sales Invoice report...? I hope that you are familiar with report modification.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Total discount on salesinvoice

    Hi Ram K

    I think we use a customized invoice. Here is a screenshot of an invoice where there is 25 DKK in discount. But the amount is not specified on the invoice.


  • RamK Profile Picture
    RamK 2,580 on at
    RE: Total discount on salesinvoice

    Hi Mahyar,  Refer Prashant's response image in which you can see "Total Discount" apart from discount amount and percentage.  If the system calculated total discount, definitely you will see the value under "Total Discount"  I hope that you are using standard Invoice report (no customization). please confirm

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Total discount on salesinvoice

    Hi Prashant

    Thanks for your answer.

    I have activated all of them in Sales and marketing > Setup > activate price and discount,

    But still nothing appears on the report. I can see on the amount that it has calculated the discount. But I want a specification on the report that tells the discount amount.

  • Suggested answer
    Prashant Singh Profile Picture
    Prashant Singh 8,797 on at
    RE: Total discount on salesinvoice

    Dear Mahyar,

    Discount given in sales order header, Line will appear in sales invoice report. But you need to activate discount from Sales and marketing >> Setup >> Activate price and discount. If you need in line discount add in line or if you need total discount add in header it will print for you on report.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Total discount on salesinvoice

    Hi Ram K.

    thanks for the link. It was a very good article and I learned alot. But also want to show the discount in the salesinvoice report. How is it possible?

  • Suggested answer
    RamK Profile Picture
    RamK 2,580 on at
    RE: Total discount on salesinvoice

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