RE: Form Switch - Opportunity Record
Hi Damesh Peri,
Here you are:
// A namespace defined for the sample code
// As a best practice, you should always define
// a unique namespace for your libraries
var Test = window.Test || {};
(function () {
// Define some global variables
let controls = {
aw_choice: "aw_choice"
let aw_choiceValue = {
ONE: 809790000,
TWO: 809790001,
THREE: 809790002
// Code to run in the form OnLoad event
this.formOnLoad = function (executionContext) {
try {
let formContext = "";
let choiceValue = "";
let formItem = "";
let entityFormOptions = {
entityName: "maa_test",
formId: "",
entityId: ""
formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
formItem = formContext.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem();
choiceValue = this.getValue(formContext, controls.maa_choice);
entityFormOptions.entityId = this.getId(formContext);
if (choiceValue === maa_choiceValue.ONE) {
entityFormOptions.formId = "00a54fa4-4251-4cec-9419-289fd6673005";
else if (choiceValue === maa_choiceValue.TWO) {
entityFormOptions.formId = "61433d49-9091-ed11-aad0-00224814a850";
else if (choiceValue === maa_choiceValue.THREE) {
entityFormOptions.formId = "3bfcfab1-9091-ed11-aad1-00224818a74c";
else {
entityFormOptions.formId = "00a54fa4-4251-4cec-9419-289fd6673005";
if (formItem.getId() !== entityFormOptions.formId) {
} catch (e) {
this.openAlertDialog("Error from formOnLoad: " + "e: " + e + ". e.mesage: " + e.message);
this.getId = function (formContext) {
let iD = "";
try {
iD =;
} catch (e) {
this.openAlertDialog("Error from getId: " + "e: " + e + ". e.mesage: " + e.message);
return iD;
this.getValue = function (formContext, attribute) {
let value = "";
try {
if (this.getControl(formContext, attribute) != "") {
value = formContext.getAttribute(attribute).getValue();
} catch (e) {
this.openAlertDialog("Error from getValue: " + "e: " + e + ". e.mesage: " + e.message);
return value;
this.getControl = function (formContext, control) {
let controlValue = ""
try {
if (formContext.getControl(control)) {
controlValue = formContext.getControl(control);
} catch (e) {
this.openAlertDialog("Error from getControl: " + "e: " + e + ". e.mesage: " + e.message);
return controlValue
this.openAlertDialog = function (alertStrings) {
try {
} catch (e) {
Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog("Error from openAlertDialog: " + "e: " + e + ". e.mesage: " + e.message).then();