Hi experts, this is really a silly question but I really would like to know your point of view, I got a requirement where the customer is going to load leads from a excel file. there is no problem to do that as you know. but the customer has it's own template and they want to load that data in lead entity. I thought ¿how to accomplish that? then came to me the next workaround. create a console app and do the logic to load excel, (The thing is that there are going to be validations that I could miss or something) and the app probably is going to live outside of dynamics(I mean that executable could be like a batch file for a scheduled task - and place in someone's computer)(and if someone accidentally found that executable... security Issues) ¿should I place that batch on Azure?... Well that all that I got to say, maybe firstly I'm doing bad in thinking on a batch integration.¿What should I do?