Hi I have the problem that I do have a purchase order with wrong Tax (wrong tax group was assigned before) I am not able to undo the product receipt because the qty is not available anymore
Now I changed the tax group on the lines....result NO MORE TAX SHOWN (which is wrong)
Now I have to post the invoice and I thought during invoice matching I can get new tax and post it. but even there NO TAX shown
I just need the tax on the line (even recalculating tax for open transactions changes nothing)
Well, the last reply on the other thread was from my side. As you didn't reply if you were able to solve the issue or how you need additional help, then indeed people might await new input. Or if someone had another view, they could have added it already. I'm subscribed to the other question and will respond again once I know how you need help.
Please don't duplicate your questions on the forum. Instead, update your question with new insights. Unfortunately, this new forum platform does not (yet) have an option to merge questions. From this question, I understand that you attempted to update the tax groups on the PO line as I suggested.
Can you share a screenshot about what you encountered as "NO MORE TAX SHOWN"? Like Billur mentioned, did you use the correct groups and does these groups have correct setup that will find a Tax code with a specific rate?
Does the tax group and item tax group has a union record?
Under review
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