In Dynamics Quote module, If I close the Quote with current date then Closed on date is getting proper but if I close Quote with a different date means manually select the date then Closed on date is getting a day behind. So can any one help me on this and let me know if any changes required to change in the dynamics or is this the default functionality that we can follow with closing the quote with current date.
Your users timezone may not be set correctly. Go to your users Personal Settings (cog in the top right of your Dynamics 365 app) and confirm the Timezone is correct for where you are located.
If the user time zone is UTC+8.
When closing with the current date, then the closing date is user time - 8 hours.
When closing with a manually selected date, the user's time portion is considered to be 12:00 AM, so the closing time is 12:00 AM-8 = 16:00PM, which is one day earlier.
When the user's time zone is Coordinated Universal Time, the closing date is displayed correctly.
This is because the Time zone adjustment of the /Close Date/ field of Quote Close is User Local, and the value of the /Closed On/ field of Quote references this field.
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