One of the users get the following error in his browser whenever trying to save a record of type "Event" (msmgt_event)
ReferenceError: Web resource method does not exist: MSDynCrmMkt.Handlers.setFormPageJavascriptCodeInEvent
at _handleMethodNotExistError (
at _.execute (
at i (
at J._executeIndividualEvent (
at J._executeEventHandler (
at Object.execute (
at N._executeSyncAction (
at N._executeSync (
at N.executeAction (
Error Details:
Event Name: onsave
Function Name: MSDynCrmMkt.Handlers.setFormPageJavascriptCodeInEvent
Web Resource Name: msdyncrm_MktEvtMgmtLink.CrmWebResource
Solution Name: MicrosoftDynamics_MktEvtMgmtLink_patch
Publisher Name: microsoftdynamics
This user is superuser (system admin security role) and has all other security roles exactly as I do and another superuser who has no problems whatsoever.
The only "difference" is that the user with this problem is more or less brand new in the system.
Any hints/tips of what could be the cause for this would be greatly appreciated.