I want to add a view of a list/chart to a form.
I want it to show only related records which shows a link back to the contact account record.
E.g. It will be a DD ADDACS item linked back to a customer account record.
I want to add a view of a list/chart to a form.
I want it to show only related records which shows a link back to the contact account record.
E.g. It will be a DD ADDACS item linked back to a customer account record.
Hi partner,
First of all, Views are presented as lists. If you want to show a view on a form, you could insert a subgrid to do it.
For example, you want to put a view to show related contacts on the main entity A form, there should be a 1:N relationship between entity A and contacts.
Then go to form editor and insert a subgrid.
Select "Only related records" and you will be able to find "contact" in Entity list.(My test entity does not have a 1:n relationship to contact so in the picture there is no contact entity to choose)
Note that we cannot add different entities to the same view, so we need to insert two views
So do the samething to add a view of realted accounts.
Hope it helps
Best Regards,
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
Most Valuable Professional