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Supply Chain Management forum

WAX: System directed sort orders

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Posted on by 1,232


we have a system directed mobile device menu item that should sort by "InventLocationId"  ascending

we have no other sort criteria, but the work being presented is not in any order that i can determine

our locations all start with X, eg

X01A01 to X01A40

are the characters throwing the sort out?


  • raff Profile Picture
    raff 1,232 on at
    RE: WAX: System directed sort orders

    that is good to hear! looking forward to April then as it will save me a development!

    cheers again guy and Fatih for answering


  • Verified answer
    Guy Terry Profile Picture
    Guy Terry 28,684 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: WAX: System directed sort orders

    Hi raff,

    There is something called System Directed Work Sequencing in the Blue Horseshoe Advanced Warehousing add-on. I am using it to sort replenishment work by Put location in AX 2012 R3. I believe that this functionality will be available in standard D365 from the April 2019 release. I do not know what the MS implementation of it will look like, but hopefully it will bring the functionality that you want in the standard D365 product.

  • raff Profile Picture
    raff 1,232 on at
    RE: WAX: System directed sort orders

    HI fatih

    good ideas but again i dont think it would work for us as we have a very simplistic min/max where Min = zero, so to have any threshold would mean allowing empty pick faces to build up - which means loads getting released to the warehouse for pick with not work being created

    thanks for the ideas though they may well prove useful down the line!


  • Suggested answer
    fatihgork Profile Picture
    fatihgork 3,815 on at
    RE: WAX: System directed sort orders

    Hi Raff,

    Why not use thresholds on waves? Process them when max qty is reached and generate works. In such scenario you can limit the creation of works and get the maximum efficiency per work possible. And add sorting criteria to your location directive setups, to sort work lines by LocationId or sort code if you haven't done it yet.

    That case, you can create works when a wave quantity reaches the threshold.

    To make it even better, you can group your items in a way that will let you have separate wave templates, and that will also allow you to have different thresholds for different items.

  • raff Profile Picture
    raff 1,232 on at
    RE: WAX: System directed sort orders

    hi Fatih

    but with replenishment the location requiring stock and the random location of the oldest storage pallet across 30 aisles each with 280 locations each determine the work template that will be used, so i dont think its possible to control this?

    also we run demand based replenishment or high freq min/max during the day so waiting until night is not a luxury we have

  • Suggested answer
    fatihgork Profile Picture
    fatihgork 3,815 on at
    RE: WAX: System directed sort orders

    Hi raff,

    The sorting in system directed functionality is sorting by fields on work headers. But location is on work line, so this will not happen with out of box functionality. 

    If you can create 1 work per aisle, then you can add the sorting criteria in your location directives so that work record will be created as sorted by LocationID. 

    I can only think of running the creation overnight, and creating 1 work per aisle (Or per qty threshold).

    Since you have separate work templates per aisle, you can populate workpoolIDs on these work templates like "Aisle1Replenishment" for aisle1,"Aisle2Replenishment" for aisle 2 and so on.

    So, your work records will be as below:


    pick face A location creates work for the oldest LP from storage Aisle 28 location 29 Aisle28Replenishment

    pick face B location creates work for the oldest LP from storage Aisle 29 Location 10


    pick face C location creates work for the oldest LP from storage Aisle 30 Location 2


    Then you can select workpoolid as the sorting criteria in your mobile device menuitem setup. Therefore the user will be directed to pick from Aisle28 to aisle 30.

  • raff Profile Picture
    raff 1,232 on at
    RE: WAX: System directed sort orders

    hi Fatih

    we dont have work poolids setup;

    but the problem with this is for example

    Replenishment for Pick face zone is started:

    pick face A location creates work for the oldest LP from storage Aisle 28 location 29

    pick face B location creates work for the oldest LP from storage Aisle 29 Location 10

    pick face C location creates work for the oldest LP from storage Aisle 30 Location 2

    pick face D location creates work for the oldest LP from storage Aisle 28  location 20

    how can the work now be sorted for Pick Face A and D movement within the same aisle? to ensure i get directed to location 20 before 29?

  • Suggested answer
    fatihgork Profile Picture
    fatihgork 3,815 on at
    RE: WAX: System directed sort orders


    If you have separate work templates for your aisles then you should get a separate work for each aisle. Is this happening?

    If so, what is the workpoolID on those work templates?

    Can you add your aisle number in this field as well and select "WorkPoolId" as your sorting criteria for system directed menuitem?

  • raff Profile Picture
    raff 1,232 on at
    RE: WAX: System directed sort orders

    ok so all we can sort by in templates are "Temporary work transactions"  field "Location" - which we are actually already sorting by

    is our problem the fact we have a template per aisle - hence 30 templates(had to do this to get 2 stage movements working and ensure the correct P&D station was utilised on the put movement)

    but when we run replen, stock can be anywhere in these 30 aisles hence movements will never be in order? which is why system directed sorting would be nice !?

  • raff Profile Picture
    raff 1,232 on at
    RE: WAX: System directed sort orders

    yes we where starting to think maybe we should control this via the work templates rather than the menu item

    basically its replenishment work from storage to pick face, where i want to keep the driver in the same storage aisle for as long as possible when taking  pallets out to a P&D station - at the moment it will say pick from Aisle 42 then 28 then 42 then 29 then 42, this should be sorted by pick from 28 then 29 then 42,42,42

    ill have a look at the templates now

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