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Microsoft Dynamics GP forum

Management Reporter 2012

Posted on by 1,130

Hi Forum

I need to export reports from an old managementreporter database and import them to a new managementreporter database. The one that I need to export from was on a sql server that no longer exists, users that no longer exist or have changed passwords etc

Any assistance appreciated

  • Verified answer
    PGS Profile Picture
    PGS 1,130 on at
    RE: Management Reporter 2012

    Hi Community

    Thanks for everyone who replied. I tried all scripts that I could find to get into this MR database but all didn't do the trick. I just could not get a data mart to build. I was grasping at straws and eventually tried to install a legacy client. I changed every reference to the old server in the Management Reporter database and installed the legacy system, It had lots of problems however it did allow me to export the reports. Once I had those I removed the legacy install created  completely new Management Reporter install, created the data mart and was able to import the reports.



  • Suggested answer
    kdd281 Profile Picture
    kdd281 465 on at
    RE: Management Reporter 2012

    If you don't have the database, then you won't be able to recover the data. If you have a backup, you can move it using this process.

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