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Customizing reports

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I've been trying to find out how to do this for the last hour and keep running into dead-ends
I'm trying to change the layout of a printed document:
The document is the PHYS.INVE journal template
I don't see any functions that allow me to modify the layout.
I was able to identify that this template prints the physical inventory list, which has a built-in template.
I then managed to locate the physical inventory list in the report layout selection page which gives the option to create a custom layout.
I got the below option and created a copy of the built-in layout.
I attempted to export the layout so i could modify it, but i ran into the below error:

I figured i'd have to create it from scratch so i tried installing rdlc visual studio 2022 but couldn't find it in 
the extensions market place in vscode. I installed the Microsoft report builder app but couldn't find a way to relate to the data in BC from there.
I'm simply trying to remove 2 columns and add a different column to the physical inventory list for printing, am I missing something really obvious or are these changes really this convoluted?
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 60,263 Super User on at
    Customizing reports
    It looks like there is something wrong with your layout file. I suggest you check again.
    For example, if you export and then import the file, you should not encounter this problem.
    Hope this helps.
  • Customizing reports
    Hi Yun Zhu,
    Unfortunately those steps are the same ones that produce the error:
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 60,263 Super User on at
    Customizing reports
    Hi, To create an RDL layout report, use Microsoft Report Builder.
    In BC, you can export rdl file according to the following operations.
    After the modification is completed, just import BC.
    Finally, change the default layout and you are done.
    Hope this helps.

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