I'm getting this error when opening the /customer statement report/
[ExtensionOf(classStr(CustAccountStatementExtContract))]final class CustAccountStatementExtContract_Extension{ public str test; [DataMemberAttribute] public str parmTest(str _test = test) { test = _test; return test; }}
[ExtensionOf(classStr(CustAccountStatementExtUIBuilder))]final class CustAccountStatementExtUIBuilder_Extension{ public DialogField testField; public void build() { next build(); testField = this.addDialogField(methodStr(CustAccountStatementExtContract, parmTest), contract); }}
At first it was working, then i went to the standard report and clicked restore on the dataset, which of course i can't save then i started getting the error.
I also tried to deploy the standard report from power shell but with no luck