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Shopify Connector Reset Sync Function

Posted on by 36

Hi all,

I recently had a couple of orders imported via the shopify connector in a copy of our company environment. After adjusting our import configuration templates and checking how the sales invoices (not posted) were created, we deleted out the sales invoices and orders / customers that were imported to start fresh. Then I made some adjustments to our configuration templates to better populate the imported information.

I tried to use the Reset Sync function here to reset the sync so that the deleted orders and customers would be imported again.

I have tried putting in a date prior to the order date of the first order that would be synced, tired leaving it completely blank, tried just leaving it at the present date, each of which do not seem to allow the connector to import the orders that were deleted. 

I have verified that the POST and GET calls for the order information are happening in the Shopify Log Entry, and I have run the order import on an order that was not in the original batch that was deleted. That order import worked on the order that had not yet be imported and created an order and customer as expected.

Maybe the Reset Orders Sync is not behaving how I understand it to work? Does anyone have any sources, documentation, or insight on the connector and the reset orders sync function? The only relevant documentation I have found on the Reset Sync function is here: Troubleshooting the Shopify and Business Central Synchronization - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

I could probably just remake a shop in the connector to fix this but that would take some time to get everything duplicated again. Trying to learn as much as I can on how this connector works.


  • Jim FA Profile Picture
    Jim FA 4 on at
    Shopify Connector Reset Sync Function
    There is a bug of some kind (as of 17th June 2024 at least) where if you delete a customer and Shopify order from BC then sometimes it won't allow you to reimport, even if you use the "Reset Sync" options from the Shopify Shops card.
    Similar to John Nogaj's response, I was able to fix by archiving the order on Shopify and then unarchiving it. It must have reset something between Shopify and BC that wasn't happening from the BC interface, and the Shopify order showed up in the "Shopify Orders" list of orders to import.
  • Marco Mels Profile Picture
    Marco Mels on at
    RE: Shopify Connector Reset Sync Function

    Thank you for sharing final outcome!

  • Verified answer
    John Nogaj Profile Picture
    John Nogaj 36 on at
    RE: Shopify Connector Reset Sync Function

    I figured it out...

    So when those orders were made, the connector archived them in Shopify. By simply going into Shopify and un-archiving them, they now import correctly.

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