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D365 Account form View

Posted on by 15
I setup a new user to have the same permissions as some of his coworkers. However, when this new user tries to open an account it is going to a /Customer Details/ page. It doesn't give me any options to change views or anything. It also only seems to be happening in the account table. It does not happen in the contacts table. Very strange, screenshot is below.
If you have any suggestions, please let me know! I am lost!
Things I've tried: Removing all security roles then re-adding, removing license and reassign, Cleared browser cache, tried another browser, I also went into powerapps and assigned his specific role to the form that I want him to be looking at. None have seemed to work.
  • Verified answer
    AlonsoDev Profile Picture
    AlonsoDev 15 on at
    D365 Account form View
    Confirmed resolution: Removed the user's license, removed all roles, reassigned license, assigned all roles (at once). Confirmed with user that he was able to see the forms that were needed.
    I'm not sure why it took 2 times of removing license to make this work again. I'm guessing the first time the user didn't actually get removed from the licensing group. Where the 2nd time, I was with the tech that removed the active directory group. 


    Another Update: After working for a couple days, it seems to have reverted back to the time it didn't work. I did not change any settings or anything, just wants to be stubborn! Still working with Microsoft Support. I will update again when I find anything.

    Update: It started to work randomly and the user never mentioned anything or responded to my follow ups. Until Microsoft Support tried to schedule a meeting, did he finally message back.
  • Suggested answer
    RudyZhang Profile Picture
    RudyZhang Microsoft Employee on at
    D365 Account form View
    Based on the information you provided, we performed the following tests.
    1. Create a User and add it to the test environment

    2. Assign User security roles (here, SA is assigned directly to simplify the test)
    3. Login to this User and try to create /Account/.

    Unfortunately, we did not reproduce your issue.
    In addition, since you have tried a number of methods that have not resolved the issue, if you need a more specialized solution, we recommend that you use the following link to seek Microsoft technical support.
    I hope my answer is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best Regards,
    Rudy Zhang

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