Microsoft Dynamics 365
April 2019 updates enabled
Server version: 9.1.0000.4623
Client version: 1.3.1714-190430-204026
Using the Unified UI. Chrome browser.
I am finding I'm unable to select other Dashboards from the list of system Dashboards in the My Dashboards area. If I select any of the system dashboards it just refreshes to the same Dashboard I'm already looking at, which is the Default dashboard.
If I make one of the other dashboards the Default, that dashboard becomes the only view able dashboard, but still not able to select any other system dashboards.
The personal Dashboard I have is selectable and displays without issue.
Another issue (possibly related) is that one of the System dashboards displays different data to what the same dashboard shows when opened in the Customizations area, why would this be? I'm accessing as System Admin.