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Track email option not visible in UCI instance

Posted on by 55

We cloned our prod (legacy web) to sandbox which is in UCI and disabled exchange server profile in UCI sandbox.

- The option via hyperlinks to track emails shows up in prod but is not there in UCI sandbox.

Is this UCI related regression or because the exchange server profile is disabled? How to best ensure the ability to track emails in dynamics that is there currently in legacy web prod is available when it cuts over to UCI.

PROD (Legacy web) when looking at contact entity information form - track email option is there


UCI sandbox - no tracking option is there


  • glouser Profile Picture
    glouser 55 on at
    RE: Track email option not visible in UCI instance

    No, auto capture is enabled but no tracking link is available still. It appears to be a UCI bug. A support ticket is in process now.

  • Suggested answer
    Henry J. Profile Picture
    Henry J. 5,235 on at
    RE: Track email option not visible in UCI instance

    Hi, were you able to fix that issue?

    If the behavior is different, I encourage you to raise a Support Request: 


  • glouser Profile Picture
    glouser 55 on at
    RE: Track email option not visible in UCI instance

    Good morning, the UCI org was cloned from a legacy web org. We have the auto capture enabled in this org.

    Ironically if you switch the form the legacy web form (for a contact record for example) the track link reappears (for the same org, same data). When you switch back to the UCI form, the track link is no longer there.

  • Suggested answer
    Henry J. Profile Picture
    Henry J. 5,235 on at
    RE: Track email option not visible in UCI instance


    This is probably a configuration issue on this copy of production.
    The auto-capture feature is available in Unified Interface.

    It is documented here:


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