I'm having an issue patching a customers address through Odata in D365 F&O.
All of the below is done through Postman. All with system administrator rights.
I have created an address for a customer using the PartyLocationPostalAddressesSalesTaxGroupV2 entity with no issue.
I get a 200 status code from D365 and everything looks correct.
Later, when I try to patch the same address I do as follows:
1) Use the sam entity to GET the LocationId, ValidFrom and PartyNumber from the address
2) Make the patch call with the changes in the body. Values are dummy data, but format and datatypes are the same. Values all come from the previous GET call
- URL PATCH: <dynamicsUrl>/data/PartyLocationPostalAddressesSalesTaxGroupV2(PartyNumber='1234',LocationId='000005001',ValidFrom=2024-03-20T12:00:00Z)?cross-company=true
- body: {/Street/: /New Street 1/}
And I then get this from D365:
/Message/: /No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI '<dynamicsUrl>/data/PartyLocationPostalAddressesSalesTaxGroupV2(PartyNumber='1234',LocationId='000005001',ValidFrom=2024-03-20T12:00:00Z)?cross-company=true'. No route data was found for this request./
What am I doing wrong here?