i have a company A that is selling Leasing services of assets to Company B's customers on behalf of company B.
the processes are as following:
1- Customers of company B requests Assets (as leased assets).
2- Company B issue a PO to company A.
3- Company A issue an RFQ for vendors to purchase these equipments.
4-RFQ will be shared with company B for approval.
5- once approved, company A will issue Sales invoice for company B before delivering equipments.
6- Company A will convert the RFQ to a PO (point 3).
7- multiple type of costs has to be added later (customs, shipping, ...): these type of costs may be linked to different vendor selling the equipments.
The question is:
how can the above be achieved in Finance and Operations, if Company A main concern is to track profitability when they are issuing Sales invoice to company B. in addition, company A is purchasing Assets with additional costs and later they are invoicing to company B as leased assets.
i hope this is clear.