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Finance forum

Display visual indicators in form

Posted on by 2,953

Hi Peers,

Requirement: Based on the field values need to display image indicator in D365FO.. Lets consider sales order status(open order/delivered/invoiced), need to display visual indicator image indicator based on status.

Invoice -> Green color check mark  image,  Delivered -> Yellow color image, Open order -> Red cross mark image

Please see the below screenshot for reference.


How to show image indicators here based on field value in D365FO as mentioned above?

highly appreciate your assistance...


  • Verified answer
    ergun sahin Profile Picture
    ergun sahin 8,812 Moderator on at
    RE: Display visual indicators in form

    You can download the entire list from the link I shared, but the number of colored symbols is limited. These are the closest things to what you want. Download the document and see for yourself, maybe you can find something closer to what you want.


  • krishna.rao@dax Profile Picture
    krishna.rao@dax 2,953 on at
    RE: Display visual indicators in form

    Thanks Ergun,

    I have checked mentioned class and members, those are bit different than my requirement icons, you could refer screenshot in my very first message in the thread for Icons which I need.

    I'm looking again this class and digging workaround for how to get symbols if those are not exist in this base class.

    meanwhile if you one found my exact image icons in this base class or know the work around how add new image icons if they are not exist. please advise..

    Many thanks

  • Suggested answer
    ergun sahin Profile Picture
    ergun sahin 8,812 Moderator on at
    RE: Display visual indicators in form

    (GreenCheck, RedX, YellowExclamationPoint)

    You can Check ImageReferenceSymbol class or

    for other values

    /// A class containing available symbols names.
    public static class ImageReferenceSymbol
        public const str Absence = 'Absence';
        public const str Accept = 'Accept';
        public const str Action = 'Action';
        public const str ActionCenter = 'ActionCenter';
        public const str Add = 'Add';
        public const str AddMultiple = 'AddMultiple';
        public const str AddPerson = 'AddPerson';
        public const str AddressBook = 'AddressBook';
        public const str AirFare = 'AirFare';
        public const str Airplane = 'AirFare';
        public const str AlignCenter = 'AlignCenter';
        public const str AlignLeft = 'AlignLeft';
        public const str AlignRight = 'AlignRight';
        public const str Archive = 'Archive';
        public const str AreaChart = 'AreaChart';
        public const str Assign = 'Assign';
        public const str Attach = 'Attach';
        public const str Back = 'Back';
        public const str BackSpaceQWERTYLg = 'BackSpaceQWERTYLg';
        public const str Balloon = 'Balloon';
        public const str BankManagement = 'BankManagement';
        public const str BarChart = 'BarChart';
        public const str BarChartHorizontal = 'BarChartHorz';
        public const str BarChartVertical = 'BarChart';
        public const str BenefitManagement = 'BenefitManagement';
        public const str BirthdayCake = 'BirthdayCake';
        public const str BlueSquare = 'BlueSquare';
        public const str Bold = 'Bold';
        public const str Broom = 'Broom';
        public const str BudgetPlanning = 'BudgetPlanning';
        public const str BulletedList = 'BulletedList';
        public const str BusinessDocumentManagement = 'BusinessDocumentManagement';
        public const str BusinessProcess = 'BusinessProcess';
        public const str BusinessProcessModel = 'BusinessProcess';
        public const str BusinessProcessSymbol = 'BusinessProcess'; //Deprecated in Platform Update 8
        public const str Calculate = 'Calculate';
        public const str CalculationUnitBased = 'CalculationUnitBased';
        public const str Calendar = 'Calendar';
        public const str CalendarLock = 'CalendarLock';
        public const str Camera = 'Camera';
        public const str Cancel = 'Cancel';
        public const str CaretDown = 'CaretDown';
        public const str CaretDownLeft = 'CaretDownLeft';
        public const str CaretDownRight = 'CaretDownRight';
        public const str CaretLeft = 'CaretLeft';
        public const str CaretRight = 'CaretRight';
        public const str CaretUp = 'CaretUp';
        public const str CaretUpLeft = 'CaretUpLeft';
        public const str CaretUpRight = 'CaretUpRight';
        public const str CarRental = 'CarRental';
        public const str Cash = 'Cash';
        public const str CashDrawer = 'CashDrawer';
        public const str CatalogManagement = 'CatalogManagement';
        public const str CategoryAndProductManagement = 'CategoryAndProductManagement';
        public const str CellPhone = 'CellPhone';
        public const str Certificate = 'Certificate';
        public const str ChannelDeployment = 'ChannelDeployment';
        public const str Checkbox = 'Checkbox';
        public const str CheckboxFill = 'CheckboxFill';
        public const str CheckboxIndeterminate = 'CheckboxIndeterminate';
        public const str CheckboxWithBox = 'CheckboxWithBox';
        public const str CheckList = 'CheckList';
        public const str Checkmark = 'Checkmark';
        public const str ChevronDown = 'ChevronDown';
        public const str ChevronDownBold = 'ChevronDownBold';
        public const str ChevronDownMedium = 'ChevronDownMedium';
        public const str ChevronLeft = 'ChevronLeft';
        public const str ChevronLeftBold = 'ChevronLeftBold';
        public const str ChevronLeftMedium = 'ChevronLeftMedium';
        public const str ChevronRight = 'ChevronRight';
        public const str ChevronRightBold = 'ChevronRightBold';
        public const str ChevronRightMedium = 'ChevronRightMedium';
        public const str ChevronUp = 'ChevronUp';
        public const str ChevronUpBold = 'ChevronUpBold';
        public const str ChevronUpMedium = 'ChevronUpMedium';
        public const str Childof = 'Childof';
        public const str ChromeClose = 'ChromeClose';
        public const str Circle = 'Circle';
        public const str CirclePlus = 'CirclePlus';
        public const str Clear = 'Delete';
        public const str ClearFormatting = 'ClearFormatting';
        public const str ClearSelection = 'ClearSelection';
        public const str Click = 'Click';
        public const str Close = 'Cancel';
        public const str ClosePane = 'ClosePane';
        public const str Cloud = 'Cloud';
        public const str CloudEnvironment = 'Cloud';
        public const str CodeAnalysis = 'CodeAnalysis';
        public const str CoffeeScript = 'CoffeeScript';
        public const str CollapseMenu = 'CollapseMenu';
        public const str Comment = 'Comment';
        public const str CompanyDirectory = 'CompanyDirectory';
        public const str Compare = 'Compare';
        public const str CompareTime = 'CompareTime';
        public const str CompensationManagement = 'CompensationManagement';
        public const str Completed = 'Completed';
        public const str Conference = 'Conference';
        public const str ConnectContacts = 'ConnectContacts';
        public const str ContactInfo = 'ContactInfo';
        public const str Copy = 'Copy';
        public const str CostAdministration = 'CostAdministration';
        public const str CostAnalysis = 'CostAnalysis';
        public const str CostControl = 'CostControl';
        public const str CostControlLedgerAdmin = 'CostControlLedgerAdmin';
        public const str CostManagement = 'CostManagement';
        public const str CountSymbol = 'Count';
        public const str CourseManagement = 'CourseManagement';
        public const str CreditCard = 'CreditCard';
        public const str CreditManagement = 'CreditManagement';
        public const str CurrentRental = 'CurrentRental';
        public const str CustomerInvoicing = 'CustomerInvoicing';
        public const str CustomList = 'CustomList';
        public const str DarkGraySquare = 'DarkGraySquare';
        public const str DashKey = 'DashKey';
        public const str DatabaseSource = 'DatabaseSource';
        public const str DataManagement = 'DataManagement';
        public const str Day = 'Day';
        public const str DecreaseIndent = 'DecreaseIndent';
        public const str Delete = 'Delete';
        public const str Deliver = 'Deliver';
        public const str DeliveryLine = 'DeliveryLine';
        public const str DelveLogo = 'DelveLogo';
        public const str Design = 'Design';
        public const str Details = 'BulletedList';
        public const str DevelopmentAndTesting = 'DevelopmentAndTesting';
        public const str Diagnostic = 'Diagnostic';
        public const str DiagnosticFramework = 'Diagnostic';
        public const str Diamond = 'Diamond';
        public const str Dislike = 'Sad';
        public const str Distribute = 'Distribute';
        public const str Document = 'Document';
        public const str Done = 'Accept';
        public const str Down = 'Down';
        public const str Download = 'Download';
        public const str Draft = 'Draft';
        public const str DropDownArrow = 'DropDownArrow';
        public const str EditEvent = 'EditEvent';
        public const str Editing = 'Draft';
        public const str EditSymbol = 'Edit';
        public const str ElectronicReporting = 'ElectronicReporting';
        public const str Emoji2 = 'Smiley';
        public const str EmployeeSelfService = 'EmployeeSelfService';
        public const str Entertainment = 'Movie';
        public const str Error = 'Error';
        public const str Event = 'Conference';
        public const str EventAccepted = 'EventAccepted';
        public const str EventDateMissed = 'EventDateMissed';
        public const str EventDeclined = 'EventDeclined';
        public const str ExcelDocument = 'ExcelDocument';
        public const str ExcelLogo = 'ExcelLogo';
        public const str Expenses = 'Expenses';
        public const str Export = 'Upload';
        public const str FabricMovetoFolder = 'FabricMovetoFolder';
        public const str FacebookLogo = 'FacebookLogo';
        public const str Family = 'Family';
        public const str Favorite = 'Favorite';
        public const str Feedback = 'Smiley';
        public const str FieldCorrect = 'FieldCorrect';
        public const str FieldHelp = 'FieldHelp';
        public const str FieldReadOnly = 'FieldReadOnly';
        public const str Filter = 'Filter';
        public const str FilterAscending = 'FilterAscending';
        public const str FilterDescending = 'FilterDescending';
        public const str FilterSolid = 'FilterSolid';
        public const str FinancialInsights = 'FinancialInsights';
        public const str FinancialPeriodClose = 'FinancialPeriodClose';
        public const str Find = 'Find';
        public const str First = 'First';
        public const str FixedAssetManagement = 'FixedAssetManagement';
        public const str Flag = 'Flag';
        public const str Font = 'Font';
        public const str FontDecrease = 'FontDecrease';
        public const str FontIncrease = 'FontIncrease';
        public const str Forklift = 'Forklift';
        public const str Forward = 'Forward';
        public const str FullView = 'FullView';
        public const str FunnelChart = 'FunnelChart';
        public const str GeneralJournalProcessing = 'GeneralJournalProcessing';
        public const str Generate = 'Generate';
        public const str GenericApp = 'GenericApp';
        public const str GenericDoc = 'Document';
        public const str GenericScan = 'GenericScan';
        public const str Gift = 'Gift';
        public const str Glimmer = 'Glimmer';
        public const str Globe = 'Globe';
        public const str Go = 'Go';
        public const str GreenCheck = 'GreenCheck';
        public const str GreenCircle = 'GreenCircle';
        public const str GreenSquare = 'GreenSquare';
        public const str GripperBarHorizontal = 'GripperBarHorizontal';
        public const str GripperBarVertical = 'GripperBarVertical';
        public const str GroupedAscending = 'GroupedAscending';
        public const str GroupedDescending = 'GroupedDescending';
        public const str GroupedList = 'GroupedList';
        public const str GroupSymbol = 'ManyPeople';
        public const str GuidedWorkout = 'GuidedWorkout';
        public const str HalfStarLeft = 'HalfStarLeft';
        public const str HalfStarRight = 'HalfStarRight';
        public const str HeaderView = 'HeaderView';
        public const str Help = 'Help';
        public const str Hide = 'Hide';
        public const str HideItem = 'HideItem';
        public const str Highlight = 'Highlight';
        public const str HighPriority = 'HighPriority';
        public const str HoloLens = 'HoloLens';
        public const str Home = 'Home';
        public const str Hotel = 'Hotel';
        public const str HumanResources = 'HumanResources';
        public const str Image = 'Image';
        public const str Import = 'Download';
        public const str IncreaseIndent = 'IncreaseIndent';
        public const str Info = 'Info';
        public const str Information = 'Info';
        public const str Insights = 'Insights';
        public const str Internet = 'Internet';
        public const str InUse = 'Absence';
        public const str InventSite = 'InventSite';
        public const str Invoice = 'Invoice';
        public const str Italic = 'Italic';
        public const str KanbanJobCompleted = 'KanbanJobCompleted';
        public const str KanbanJobCreated = 'KanbanJobCreated';
        public const str KanbanJobInProgress = 'KanbanJobInProgress';
        public const str KanbanJobPlanned = 'KanbanJobPlanned';
        public const str KanbanJobPrepared = 'KanbanJobPrepared';
        public const str Last = 'Last';
        public const str Layout = 'Layout';
        public const str LedgerBudgetsAndForecasts = 'LedgerBudgetsAndForecasts';
        public const str Library = 'Library';
        public const str LicensingEstimator = 'LicensingEstimator';
        public const str Lightbulb = 'Lightbulb';
        public const str LightBulbOn = 'LightBulbOn';
        public const str Like_ = 'Smiley';
        public const str LineChart = 'LineChart';
        public const str LinesView = 'LinesView';
        public const str Link = 'Link';
        public const str LinkedInLogo = 'LinkedInLogo';
        public const str List = 'List';
        public const str Lock = 'Lock';
        public const str Locked = 'Lock';
        public const str MachiningOperation = 'MachineOperations';
        public const str Mail = 'Mail';
        public const str Manage = 'Manage';
        public const str ManagerSelfService = 'ManagerSelfService';
        public const str Mandatory = 'Required';
        public const str ManyPeople = 'ManyPeople';
        public const str Map = 'Map';
        public const str MasterPlanning = 'MasterPlanning';
        public const str Meal = 'Meal';
        public const str Message = 'Message';
        public const str MicrosoftOffice = 'MicrosoftOffice';
        public const str Mileage = 'Mileage';
        public const str Minimize = 'Minimize';
        public const str Month = 'Calendar';
        public const str More = 'More';
        public const str MoreOptions = 'More';
        public const str Move = 'Move';
        public const str MoveAllLeft = 'MoveAllLeft';
        public const str MoveAllRight = 'MoveAllRight';
        public const str MoveLeft = 'Back';
        public const str MoveRight = 'Forward';
        public const str Movie = 'Movie';
        public const str NavigationPane = 'NavigationPane';
        public const str NewSymbol = 'Add';
        public const str NextSymbol = 'Next';
        public const str NotAvailable = 'NotAvailable';
        public const str Note = 'Note';
        public const str NumberSymbol = 'NumberSymbol';
        public const str Offboarding = 'Offboarding';
        public const str OK = 'Accept';
        public const str On_Off = 'OnOff';
        public const str Onboarding = 'Onboarding';
        public const str OneDriveLogo = 'OneDriveLogo';
        public const str OpenEnrollment = 'OpenEnrollment';
        public const str OpenPane = 'OpenPane';
        public const str Operations = 'Operations';
        public const str OrangeSquare = 'OrangeSquare';
        public const str OrderLineMultipleDeliveries = 'OrderLineMultipleDeliveries';
        public const str Organization = 'Organization';
        public const str OutboundWorkMonitoring = 'OutboundWorkMonitoring';
        public const str OutboundWorkPlanning = 'OutboundWorkPlanning';
        public const str OutlineHalfStarLeft = 'OutlineHalfStarLeft';
        public const str OutlineHalfStarRight = 'OutlineHalfStarRight';
        public const str OutlineQuarterStarLeft = 'OutlineQuarterStarLeft';
        public const str OutlineQuarterStarRight = 'OutlineQuarterStarRight';
        public const str OutlineStarLeftHalf = 'OutlineStarLeftHalf';
        public const str OutlineStarRightHalf = 'OutlineStarRightHalf';
        public const str OutlineThreeQuarterStarLeft = 'OutlineThreeQuarterStarLeft';
        public const str OutlineThreeQuarterStarRight = 'OutlineThreeQuarterStarRight';
        public const str OutlookLogo = 'OutlookLogo';
        public const str Page = 'Page';
        public const str PageLeft = 'PageLeft';
        public const str PageRemove = 'PageRemove';
        public const str PageRight = 'PageRight';
        public const str Pause = 'Pause';
        public const str PauseListView12 = 'PauseListView12';
        public const str Payroll = 'Payroll';
        public const str PayTender = 'PayTender';
        public const str People = 'People';
        public const str PeopleAdd = 'PeopleAdd';
        public const str PeopleBlock = 'PeopleBlock';
        public const str Performance = 'Mileage';
        public const str PerformanceManagement = 'PerformanceManagement';
        public const str Permission = 'Permission';
        public const str Person = 'Person';
        public const str Personalize = 'Personalize';
        public const str Phone = 'Phone';
        public const str Pickup = 'Pickup';
        public const str PieChart = 'PieChart';
        public const str Pin = 'Pin';
        public const str Placeholder = 'Action';
        public const str PlannedDocument = 'PlannedDocument';
        public const str Play = 'Play';
        public const str PlaySolid = 'PlaySolid';
        public const str Popout = 'Popout';
        public const str PopoutExpand = 'Popout';
        public const str PowerApps = 'PowerApps';
        public const str PowerAutomate = 'PowerAutomate';
        public const str PowerBI = 'PowerBILogo';
        public const str Presence = 'Presence';
        public const str Previous = 'Previous';
        public const str PricingAndDiscountManagement = 'PricingAndDiscountManagement';
        public const str PrintSymbol = 'Print';
        public const str Process = 'Process';
        public const str Processing = 'Processing';
        public const str ProcessMap = 'ProcessMap';
        public const str ProductionFloorManagement = 'ProductionFloorManagement';
        public const str ProductMeasure = 'ProductMeasure';
        public const str ProductReadinessForDiscreteManufacturing = 'ProductReadinessForDiscreteManufacturing';
        public const str ProductReadinessForLeanManufacturingAndReplinishment = 'ProductReadinessForLeanManufacturingAndReplinishment';
        public const str ProductReadinessForProcessManufacturing = 'ProductReadinessForProcessManufacturing';
        public const str Products = 'Products';
        public const str ProductVariantModelDefinition = 'ProductVariantModelDefinition';
        public const str ProgressInnerLoop = 'ProgressInnerLoop';
        public const str ProgressOuterLoop = 'ProgressOuterLoop';
        public const str ProjectManagement = 'ProjectManagement';
        public const str Publish = 'Publish';
        public const str PurchaseOrderPreparation = 'PurchaseOrderPreparation';
        public const str PurchaseReceiptAndFollowup = 'PurchaseReceiptAndFollowup';
        public const str Quantity = 'Quantity';
        public const str QuarterStarLeft = 'QuarterStarLeft';
        public const str QuarterStarRight = 'QuarterStarRight';
        public const str Question = 'Help';
        public const str Questionaire = 'Questionaire';
        public const str QueueManager = 'QueueManager';
        public const str Quotes = 'Quotes';
        public const str RadioDot = 'RadioDot';
        public const str RadioEmpty = 'RadioEmpty';
        public const str RadioFilled = 'RadioFilled';
        public const str Receipt = 'Invoice';
        public const str Recent = 'Recent';
        public const str RecruitmentManagement = 'RecruitmentManagement';
        public const str RecurringEvent = 'RecurringEvent';
        public const str RecycleBin = 'RecycleBin';
        public const str Redact = 'Redact';
        public const str RedDiamond = 'RedDiamond';
        public const str RedEye = 'RedEye';
        public const str RedEyeHide = 'RedEyeHide';
        public const str Redo = 'Redo';
        public const str RedSquare = 'RedSquare';
        public const str RedX = 'RedX';
        public const str Refresh = 'Refresh';
        public const str Related = 'Go';
        public const str Release = 'Release';
        public const str ReleasedProductMaintenance = 'ReleasedProductMaintenance';
        public const str Remove = 'Delete';
        public const str RemoveLink = 'RemoveLink';
        public const str Rename = 'Rename';
        public const str Report = 'Report';
        public const str ReportProgress = 'ReportProgress';
        public const str ReportScrap = 'ReportScrap';
        public const str Required = 'Required';
        public const str ReservationManagement = 'ReservationManagement';
        public const str ResizeToBigger = 'ResizeToBigger';
        public const str ResizeToSmaller = 'ResizeToSmaller';
        public const str ResourceLifecycleManagement = 'ResourceLifecycleManagement';
        public const str Restore = 'Undo';
        public const str RetailIT = 'RetailIT';
        public const str RetailStoreFinancials = 'RetailStoreFinancials';
        public const str RetailStoreManagement = 'RetailStoreManagement';
        public const str ReturnSymbol = 'Return';
        public const str RevenueManagement = 'RevenueManagement';
        public const str Ribbon = 'Ribbon';
        public const str Sad = 'Sad';
        public const str SalesOrderProcessingAndInquiry = 'SalesOrderProcessingAndInquiry';
        public const str SalesReturnProcessing = 'SalesReturnProcessing';
        public const str Sanitize = 'Sanitize';
        public const str Save = 'Save';
        public const str SaveAs = 'SaveAs';
        public const str ScheduleEventAction = 'ScheduleEventAction';
        public const str SearchCampaigns = 'SearchCampaigns';
        public const str SelectAll = 'SelectAll';
        public const str SemanticZoom = 'SemanticZoom';
        public const str Send = 'Send';
        public const str Settings = 'Settings';
        public const str Share = 'Share';
        public const str SharepointLogo = 'SharepointLogo';
        public const str Shop = 'Shop';
        public const str Show = 'View';
        public const str SignOut = 'SignOut';
        public const str SizingGuide = 'SizingGuide';
        public const str SkipTab = 'SkipTab';
        public const str SkypeCheck = 'SkypeCheck';
        public const str SkypeCircleCheck = 'SkypeCircleCheck';
        public const str SkypeCircleClock = 'SkypeCircleClock';
        public const str SkypeCircleMinus = 'SkypeCircleMinus';
        public const str SkypeClock = 'SkypeClock';
        public const str SkypeLogo = 'SkypeLogo';
        public const str SkypeMessage = 'SkypeMessage';
        public const str SkypeMinus = 'SkypeMinus';
        public const str Smiley = 'Smiley';
        public const str Sort = 'Sort';
        public const str SortDown = 'SortDown';
        public const str SortUp = 'SortUp';
        public const str SplitObject = 'SplitObject';
        public const str StackColumn = 'StackColumn';
        public const str StackColumnAndLine = 'StackColumnAndLine';
        public const str StackedLineChart = 'StackedLineChart';
        public const str Star = 'Favorite';
        public const str StarEmpty = 'StarEmpty';
        public const str StartBundle = 'StartBundle';
        public const str StatusCircleErrorX = 'StatusCircleErrorX';
        public const str Stop = 'Stop';
        public const str Store = 'Shop';
        public const str Submit = 'Publish';
        public const str Summary = 'Summary';
        public const str SummaryField = 'SummaryField';
        public const str SwitchSymbol = 'Switch';
        public const str SwitchUser = 'SwitchUser';
        public const str Sync = 'Sync';
        public const str SystemAdmin = 'SystemAdmin';
        public const str Tag = 'Tag';
        public const str TakeBreak = 'TakeBreak';
        public const str Task = 'Task';
        public const str TaskRecorder = 'Action'; //Deprecated in Platform Update 3
        public const str TaskView = 'TaskView';
        public const str TemporaryUser = 'TemporaryUser';
        public const str ThreeQuarterStarLeft = 'ThreeQuarterStarLeft';
        public const str ThreeQuarterStarRight = 'ThreeQuarterStarRight';
        public const str ThumbnailView = 'ThumbnailView';
        public const str TimeEntry = 'TimeEntry';
        public const str Timer = 'Recent';
        public const str TimeSheet = 'TimeSheet';
        public const str ToggleList = 'List';
        public const str Tools = 'Tools';
        public const str Total = 'Total';
        public const str Trackers = 'Trackers';
        public const str Transition = 'Transition';
        public const str Translate = 'Translate';
        public const str Transport = 'Forklift';
        public const str Trash = 'Delete';
        public const str Triangle = 'Triangle';
        public const str TwitterLogo = 'TwitterLogo';
        public const str Underline = 'Underline';
        public const str Undo = 'Undo';
        public const str Uneditable = 'Uneditable';
        public const str Unfavorite = 'Unfavorite';
        public const str Unlock = 'Unlock';
        public const str Unlocked = 'Unlock';
        public const str Unpin = 'Unpin';
        public const str Up = 'Up';
        public const str UpgradeAnalysis = 'UpgradeAnalysis';
        public const str Upload = 'Upload';
        public const str User = 'Person';
        public const str Users = 'People';
        public const str Vehicle = 'CarRental';
        public const str VendorInvoiceEntry = 'VendorInvoiceEntry';
        public const str VendorPayments = 'VendorPayments';
        public const str VendorPortalPurchaseOrderConfirmation = 'VendorPortalPurchaseOrderConfirmation';
        public const str View = 'View';
        public const str ViewAll = 'ViewAll';
        public const str ViewEdit = 'Edit';
        public const str ViewNotifications = 'ViewNotifications';
        public const str Waffle = 'Waffle';
        public const str WaffleOffice365 = 'WaffleOffice365';
        public const str Wait = 'Wait';
        public const str Warning = 'Warning';
        public const str WebSearch = 'WebSearch';
        public const str Week = 'Week';
        public const str WMSStore = 'InventSite';
        public const str WordDocument = 'WordDocument';
        public const str WordLogo = 'WordLogo';
        public const str Workflow = 'Workflow';
        public const str WorkforceManagement = 'WorkforceManagement';
        public const str Workspace = 'Workspace';
        public const str Workspace_BankManagement = 'BankManagement';
        public const str Workspace_BenefitManagement = 'BenefitManagement';
        public const str Workspace_BudgetPlanning = 'BudgetPlanning';
        public const str Workspace_CatalogManagement = 'CatalogManagement';
        public const str Workspace_CategoryAndProductManagement = 'CategoryAndProductManagement';
        public const str Workspace_ChannelDeployment = 'ChannelDeployment';
        public const str Workspace_CompensationManagement = 'CompensationManagement';
        public const str Workspace_CostAdministration = 'CostAdministration';
        public const str Workspace_CostAnalysis = 'CostAnalysis';
        public const str Workspace_CostControl = 'CostControl';
        public const str Workspace_CostControlLedgerAdmin = 'CostControlLedgerAdmin';
        public const str Workspace_CourseManagement = 'CourseManagement';
        public const str Workspace_CreditAndCollectionsManagement = 'CreditManagement';
        public const str Workspace_CustomerInvoicing = 'CustomerInvoicing';
        public const str Workspace_DataManagement = 'DataManagement';
        public const str Workspace_ElectronicReporting = 'ElectronicReporting';
        public const str Workspace_EmployeeSelfService = 'EmployeeSelfService';
        public const str Workspace_FinancialPeriodClose = 'FinancialPeriodClose';
        public const str Workspace_FixedAssetManagement = 'FixedAssetManagement';
        public const str Workspace_GeneralJournalProcessing = 'GeneralJournalProcessing';
        public const str Workspace_LedgerBudgetsAndForecasts = 'LedgerBudgetsAndForecasts';
        public const str Workspace_ManagerSelfService = 'ManagerSelfService';
        public const str Workspace_MasterPlanning = 'MasterPlanning';
        public const str Workspace_OutboundWorkMonitoring = 'OutboundWorkMonitoring';
        public const str Workspace_OutboundWorkPlanning = 'OutboundWorkPlanning';
        public const str Workspace_Payroll = 'Payroll';
        public const str Workspace_PricingAndDiscountManagement = 'PricingAndDiscountManagement';
        public const str Workspace_ProductionFloorManagement = 'ProductionFloorManagement';
        public const str Workspace_ProductReadinessForDiscreteManufacturing = 'ProductReadinessForDiscreteManufacturing';
        public const str Workspace_ProductReadinessForLeanManufacturingAndReplinishment = 'ProductReadinessForLeanManufacturingAndReplinishment';
        public const str Workspace_ProductReadinessForProcessManufacturing = 'ProductReadinessForProcessManufacturing';
        public const str Workspace_ProductVariantModelDefinition = 'ProductVariantModelDefinition';
        public const str Workspace_ProjectManagement = 'ProjectManagement';
        public const str Workspace_PurchaseOrderPreparation = 'PurchaseOrderPreparation';
        public const str Workspace_PurchaseReceiptAndFollowup = 'PurchaseReceiptAndFollowup';
        public const str Workspace_Questionaire = 'Questionaire';
        public const str Workspace_RecruitmentManagement = 'RecruitmentManagement';
        public const str Workspace_ReleasedProductMaintenance = 'ReleasedProductMaintenance';
        public const str Workspace_ReservationManagement = 'ReservationManagement';
        public const str Workspace_ResourceLifecycleManagement = 'ResourceLifecycleManagement';
        public const str Workspace_RetailIT = 'RetailIT';
        public const str Workspace_RetailStoreFinancials = 'RetailStoreFinancials';
        public const str Workspace_RetailStoreManagement = 'RetailStoreManagement';
        public const str Workspace_SalesOrderProcessingAndInquiry = 'SalesOrderProcessingAndInquiry';
        public const str Workspace_SalesReturnProcessing = 'SalesReturnProcessing';
        public const str Workspace_SystemAdmin = 'SystemAdmin';
        public const str Workspace_TimeEntry = 'TimeEntry';
        public const str Workspace_VendorInvoiceEntry = 'VendorInvoiceEntry';
        public const str Workspace_VendorPayments = 'VendorPayments';
        public const str Workspace_VendorPortalPurchaseOrderConfirmation = 'VendorPortalPurchaseOrderConfirmation';
        public const str Workspace_WorkforceManagement = 'WorkforceManagement';
        public const str YammerLogo = 'YammerLogo';
        public const str YellowExclamationPoint = 'YellowExclamationPoint';
        public const str YellowSquare = 'YellowSquare';
        public const str YellowTriangle = 'YellowTriangle';
        public const str Zoom = 'Zoom';
        public const str ZoomIn = 'ZoomIn';
        public const str ZoomOut = 'ZoomOut';

  • krishna.rao@dax Profile Picture
    krishna.rao@dax 2,953 on at
    RE: Display visual indicators in form

    Thanks so much for your comments.

    I've few queries below, could you please help..

    1. Where do I find these image icons that I specified (GreenCheckmark,RedCross,YellowInfo) in D365FO?

    2. If these are not there in D365FO, then how to refer these icons

  • Verified answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 290,576 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Display visual indicators in form

    Hi Krishna,

    Ergün provided good documentation about this topic. In addition, there is a customer aging form where also the visualization icons are used; based on setup. You can also learn from this example:

  • Verified answer
    ergun sahin Profile Picture
    ergun sahin 8,812 Moderator on at

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