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Finance forum

Purchase order duplication

Posted on by 11
We appear to have an issue in which if a PO is amended a duplicate PO is created, with an A as a suffix. Both POs are visible in the system and appear separately in our open commitments reporting. Has anyone else come across this issue and if so how did you address.
  • Verified answer
    Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 11 on at
    Purchase order duplication
    Thank you for your responses - this was a custom step in our process
  • Venkatesh Yellampalli Profile Picture
    Venkatesh Yellampalli 39 User Group Leader on at
    Purchase order duplication
    there is no such process as creating duplicate PO, please check if there is any custom process.
    Sytem only creates the confirmation journals as and when you edit and confirm it back. 

  • Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Purchase order duplication
    This is not a standard process in the system, and you can check the configuration related to the purchase order, especially the approval process, etc., to make sure that these configurations do not cause problems with the duplicate creation of orders. Or you can check if there is something customized.
    Best regards,
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 288,584 Super User on at
    Purchase order duplication
    Can you tell if part of a process a duplicate of the PO is manually created? The application itself is not doing that automatically or there could be a customization in your environment.
  • andreasraithel Profile Picture
    andreasraithel 4,602 on at
    Purchase order duplication
    I never observed anything like that.
    If you  have multiple changes on the PO and confirned them a version for every confirmation is created as PO journal, which typically have an index like POXXXX-1, ... -2 on the end.
    May be the indexing could be changed to use alphanumeric index and your reporting ins based on PO confimation journal.

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