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bank account status is pending approval

Posted on by 14
I have added new bank account where to pay invoices in D365. But I'm getting error as the bank account's status is waiting approval. Where can the bank account be approved?
Path is cash and bank management>bank accounts>bank accounts>Electronic Fund Transfer
  • Suggested answer
    Ramit Paul Profile Picture
    Ramit Paul 20,819 Most Valuable Professional on at
    bank account status is pending approval
    From recent version, there has been an workflow for new bank account, however unless someone activates that, this wont work.
  • Anton Venter Profile Picture
    Anton Venter 18,495 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    bank account status is pending approval
    I'm doing some assumptions here, check if there is an active workflow on that specific bank account. You can then view the workflow history/status of that bank account to see what's going on and who has to approve it.
  • Suggested answer
    HR-10050658-0 Profile Picture
    HR-10050658-0 14 on at
    bank account status is pending approval
    I'm getting two lines error / warning lines when trying to pay invoices selecting that specific account.
    When I check the bank account status, that is waiting approval. How the bank account can be approved?
  • Judy Profile Picture
    Judy Microsoft Employee on at
    bank account status is pending approval
    Hi, can you specify what error did you get.
    Move to Finance Forum.

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