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Is it recommended by Microsoft to increase the String size of the field?

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I have requirement to change the /string size / of the field. I want to change the size impact for the whole system where the field is placed .
Is it recommended by Microsoft to change the field size?
I want a valid reason for both if Microsoft allows to change it or does not allow to chage.
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,433 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Is it recommended by Microsoft to increase the String size of the field?
    You already have another thread for this particular question: How to extend "Invent Version Id" field size of base field ?. Please don't create multiple threads about the same thing.
  • JJDunaid Profile Picture
    JJDunaid 206 on at
    Is it recommended by Microsoft to increase the String size of the field?
    Let's say if I had to change the field by creating an extension in the inventory dimension and suppose I have changed "string size  10 to 30 for "EcoResVersionName" and "EcoResStyleName" EDTs then what will be the impact of future updates by  Microsoft? 
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Is it recommended by Microsoft to increase the String size of the field?
    You can refer to this official document: Input controls and grid column sizes - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft LearnThis article describes how to create a consistent look and feel for forms by controlling the size of controls and grids.
    Or you can check out this blog: How to extend an EDT in Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (D365FO) ( it is a common request to increase the size of a field. In this article, it will explore how you can do that in D365FO as well as note some impacts of EDT size change.
    Best regards,
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,433 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Is it recommended by Microsoft to increase the String size of the field?
    You already have a second thread with the same question, but it doesn't make much sense to me.
    Of course, the recommendation is using as much standard functionality as possible, therefore no one will recommend a change that it's needed. But if you need it, you can do it.

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