I use advanced warehouse management and i have created a transferorder to move an item from warehouse A to warehouse B.
the transfer order is released to the warehouse, work is created as expected and the work is finished by using the warehouse app, picking the pallets (=LP) with batchid's and put the pallets on the ship location.
The transactions have the status picked. Transferorder line of 468 pcs is split in 4 picked transactions: 3x 1PL a 144 pcs and 1x 36 pcs. these 4 transactions have all a specific LP and all have the same BatchID.
So far so good.
But as I want to confirm the shipment I receive an error.....
Error: Dimension Location cannot be left blank if dimension Batch number is set.
I have no idea....
All dimensions are filled correctly on the inventory transactions.
No batchID is set on the transferorder line or load line.