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Microsoft Dynamics AX forum

Posting the items in Minepoint to a work order after transferring items

Posted on by 8
Can any one help step by step procedure to issue stock to a work order and generate picking slip and return unused stock to inventory. I have having issues with posting item line after generating packing slip.
Please find below snip and "Post selected item line" disabled 
Thank you for your help.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 285,642 Super User on at
    Posting the items in Minepoint to a work order after transferring items
    As Minepoint is a third-party solution, I would suggest you contact your partner or the ISV vendor to get some help.
  • SK-20060842-0 Profile Picture
    SK-20060842-0 8 on at
    Posting the items in Minepoint to a work order after transferring items
    Hi Andre,
    Sorry for the confusion, Mine point is Enterprise Asset Management in Dynamics AX 2012. Please find below step that i have been following:
    • Creating the work order.
    • Adding Forecast Items as lines.
    • Reserving the Items from Manage tab.
    • Transfer Items to requirements from - Forecast items ->Functions -> Transfer item requirements
    • Generating Picking list from -Manage Tab -> Item requirement -> Posting -> Picking slip
    • Return unused items from Manage tab
    • When Posting the items, i have having below issue. "Posting selected item line" is disabled.
    I might be not following correct process as I an new to AX.  Please advise. 
    Thank you  for you help .
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 285,642 Super User on at
    Posting the items in Minepoint to a work order after transferring items

    In your title, you mention "Minepoint". Can you explain what that is? How is that related to your question?

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