Could you please help me understand the purpose of this invoice account field, what is its use in D365 FO?
Could you please help me understand the purpose of this invoice account field, what is its use in D365 FO?
The concept of invoice account is only applicable to purchase orders and not to invoice journals. So 1001 should never send you invoice, it should always be 1002 as all payables are managed by 1002 only. All invoice recording and payable should be against 1002, this way you are only managing all transactions on one vendor.
Hi Satish, will it work (and I see it did not work for me but may be I am missing something) when i create an invoice journal? What I would like it to create an invoice with 1001 and pay from 1002 vendor account, is it possible?
Hi Kumar,
Invoice accounts are used to capture the finance related side of the transactions for the vendor. E.g. in your screenshot above, if you create a purchase order against the 1001 and then invoice it.. the invoice is going to be against the vendor 1002. This is more like parent-child relationship where finance side is owned by invoice account and order processing / fulfillment is done by order account. If left blank then invoice account is same as vendor account.
One example is - You place purchase order with direct factories by all the invoices/payments are managed by corporate. in this case Corporate is setup as invoice account, factories are setup as order account.
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