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What is the logic behind the Sum of "On Hand Qty" field in the Inventory aging report using x++

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anyone can give the code/mapping of Sum of "On-Hand Qty"field in the inventory aging report?
Path:cost managementèinquiries and reportèphysical inventory reportè inventory aging.
  • ISDev Profile Picture
    ISDev 68 on at
    What is the logic behind the Sum of "On Hand Qty" field in the Inventory aging report using x++
    here is my code:
    i need to get the sum on hand quantity from the inventory aging report  to be equal to tmpItemTrans.OnHandAsOfDate.
    Private void processItemTrans()
            InventTable                 inventTable;
            InventTrans                 inventTrans, inventTransExists;
            ProdReportItemTable     prodReportItemTable;
            InventItemGroupItem         inventItemGroupItem;
            UnitOfMeasureSymbol         inventUnit;
            Qty                         SumQty_Prod,
            while select   ItemId, Product from InventTable exists join InventItemGroupItem where InventItemGroupItem.ItemId == InventTable.ItemId
           exists join prodReportItemTable where prodReportItemTable.ItemGroupId == InventItemGroupItem.ItemGroupId
            && prodReportItemTable.Active
                inventUnit=  InventTableModule::find(InventTable.ItemId, ModuleInventPurchSales::Invent).UnitId;
                //SumQty_Prod         = this.SumQty_InventTrans(InventTable.ItemId, TransDate, TransDate, InventTransType::Production);
                SumQty_Prod         = this.SumQty_TagTrans(InventTable.ItemId, TransDate, TransDate, ProdTagType::Packed);
                info(strFmt("%1 %2", InventTable.ItemId,SumQty_Prod));
                SumQty_Prod_OnSpec  = this.SumQty_InventTrans_Spec(InventTable.ItemId, TransDate, TransDate, InventTransType::Production, wMSPalletSpecificationStatus::OnSpec);
                SumQty_Prod_OffSpec = this.SumQty_InventTrans_Spec(InventTable.ItemId, TransDate, TransDate, InventTransType::Production, wMSPalletSpecificationStatus::OffSpec);
                OnHand          = this.OnHand(InventTable.ItemId);
                OnHandOnSpec    = this.OnHandSpecStatus(InventTable.ItemId, wMSPalletSpecificationStatus::OnSpec);
                OnHandOffSpec   = this.OnHandSpecStatus(InventTable.ItemId, wMSPalletSpecificationStatus::OffSpec);
                Qty_Registered = this.SumQty_InventTrans_Received(inventTable.ItemId, transDate, transDate, InventTransType::Purch);
                Qty_ProdLine = this.SumQty_InventTrans(InventTable.ItemId, TransDate, TransDate, InventTransType::ProdLine) * -1;
                tmpItemTrans.ItemId = InventTable.ItemId;
                tmpItemTrans.ItemName = InventTable.itemName();
                tmpItemTrans.OnHandAsOfDate = this.OnHand(InventTable.ItemId, TransDate);
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,817 Most Valuable Professional on at
    What is the logic behind the Sum of "On Hand Qty" field in the Inventory aging report using x++
    Your problem description is too vague. Please show your current code and explain how the current behaviour differs from the intended one.
  • ISDev Profile Picture
    ISDev 68 on at
    What is the logic behind the Sum of "On Hand Qty" field in the Inventory aging report using x++
    Yes, it's  a sum of On-hand quantity values. im facing issue with getting same logic and use it on a custom report. i checked the code but it i didnt get what i need, so please can u provide the code that i need to add in my DP class to retreive same value?
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,817 Most Valuable Professional on at
    What is the logic behind the Sum of "On Hand Qty" field in the Inventory aging report using x++
    I'm assumming it's simply a sum of On-hand quantity values shown above. They likely come from InventAgingTmp.InventQty field, which seems to be populated from InventAgingCmdMapQuery.parmQty(). There is some more complex logic that can take the quantity from several different views, e.g. InventAgingQtyReportView.

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