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BPWarningDisplayMethodUpdateUnpredictable: The display method in Form may not update as expected

Posted on by 254

I got this BP warning:
BPWarningDisplayMethodUpdateUnpredictable: The display method 'test' in form '$testForm' may not update as expected

i'm getting the BP warning on the 2 display methods test() and test1()
public class TestForm extends FormRun
    ClassTestContract   classTest;

    /// <summary>
    /// init
    /// </summary>
    public void init()
        classAContract classA;


        classA = element.args().parmobject() as classAContract;

        classTest = classA.parmClassTestContract();

    public display boolean test()
      return classTest.parmX().parmY()? true : false;

    public display boolean test1()
        return classTest.parmZ().parmY();


How to fix it?
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 228,353 Most Valuable Professional on at
    BPWarningDisplayMethodUpdateUnpredictable: The display method in Form may not update as expected
    The warning tells you that you may expect display values being updated when parmX(), parmY() or parmZ() starts returning a different value, but it won't happen, because you haven't implemented such a logic. The values will be obtained just once. The system can't say whether it's the behaviour you want or not.
  • CU04051814-0 Profile Picture
    CU04051814-0 254 on at
    BPWarningDisplayMethodUpdateUnpredictable: The display method in Form may not update as expected
    Hi Andre,

    do you mean to set the value of the unbound control in the init method of the form??

    and normally if there is a display method, then it should be put in the form datasource instead of form?
  • Suggested answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 290,451 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    BPWarningDisplayMethodUpdateUnpredictable: The display method in Form may not update as expected
    You get this warning in case the display methods are created on the form instead of a form data source. In case the information is retrieved only once when opening the form, you can better use unbound controls and fill the values by setting a value for these controls.

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