RE: How to setup dynamics 365 customer insights after puchasing the license?
Step 4
To make sure you have successfully signed up for the service, sign in to your Office 365 admin portal with the tenant admin credentials. Under services, you will see an active subscription for Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. Once you confirm this, you are ready to proceed with the environment setup.
Step 5a
Make sure you complete the previous step before you click here to start setting up your Customer Insights environment. Note that you need to be a global admin of your tenant to provision your production and sandbox environment.
Step 5b
Once you press Continue, you are presented with the option to create your environment. Here you can specify a display name for the environment, choose the region in which you want the environment to be provisioned, and choose the environment type. Customer Insights allows you to create either a production environment or a sandbox environment.
Step 5c
Environment creation typically takes < 1 minute.
Step 5d
Once the environment is created for you, you will be presented with the home page as shown below.
Step 5e
Select Settings and then Environments to manage the environment you created or create a new production environment.
Step 5f
In this screen, you can either set a default environment or create more environments
Step 5g
If you chose to create a new environment, you are presented with the option to do the same.
Step 5h
Once you create the environments, you can start inviting additional users to the environment from the permissions section to collaborate with you to manage the environment.
Step 5i
Select Add users to add others to the environment.
Now you are ready to configure your Customer Insights environments. Follow the documentation found here to assist you with the process.