I add create extension of form EcoResProductLifecycleState
I add new datasource , then I want to add lookup method to dataField of this dataSource :
have you any idea?
I try to debug the standard code (the class ITMCreatorSetup method performLookupField) but the method doesn't gets hit
Can you tell me what will be the value for "FilterStr" buffer?
Girish S.
I can't debug it , the Method COC doesn't gets hit
but when I added the on_lookup eventhandler , I can debug it and I get the list of table in the first lookup
[FormControlEventHandler(formControlStr(EcoResProductLifecycleState, MandatoryFieldsTable_TableLabel), FormControlEventType::Lookup)] public static void MandatoryFieldsTable_TableLabel_OnLookup(FormControl sender, FormControlEventArgs e) { MandatoryFieldsCheck mandatoryFieldsCheck; MandatoryFieldsTable mandatoryFieldsTable; FormStringControl tableLabel = sender as FormStringControl ; mandatoryFieldsCheck = MandatoryFieldsCheck::construct(); mandatoryFieldsCheck.performLookupTable(tableLabel, mandatoryFieldsTable); }
But I cant get the list of fields of the selected table in the second lookup due to the paramter "FilterStr"
Okay, have you debugged the code and does the lookup method COC gets hit?
Form the screenshot you pasted in the previous reply I can be able to see the lookup button.
Can you elaborate that?
Girish S.
I tried to add the same logic of this form :
so I add new class to add the some logic of ITMCreatorSetup
new form like : ITMCreatorSetupFieldLookup
On the Lookup argument "_filterStr" what values you are getting. I have testing this, and I am getting empty string (" ") value.
What are you using for this?
Can you elaborate?
Girish S.
Have you debugged the code does the debugger gets hit?
Girish S.
yes lookup is not working, i don't get th list of tables that I add it in this class :
Your question is not clear. Are you saying that lookup is not working?
Can you elaborate more?
Girish S.
I add this code :
[ExtensionOf(formDataFieldStr(EcoResProductLifecycleState, MandatoryFieldsTable, FieldLabel))] final class EcoResProductLifeCycleState_FieldLabel_Extension { public MandatoryFieldsCheck mandatoryFieldsCheck; public MandatoryFieldsTable mandatoryFieldsTable; public void lookup(FormControl _formControl, str _filterStr) { next lookup(_formControl,_filterStr); mandatoryFieldsCheck = MandatoryFieldsCheck::construct(); mandatoryFieldsCheck.performLookupField(_formControl, mandatoryFieldsTable, _filterStr); } public boolean validate() { boolean ret; next validate(); mandatoryFieldsCheck = MandatoryFieldsCheck::construct(); //ret = super(); ret = ret && mandatoryFieldsCheck.validateField(mandatoryFieldsTable); return ret; } }
but doesn't work :
have you any example that has the same structure of this form?
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