In F&O, i have created a worker and preferred worker setup however once i create work order, a responsible worker is not getting assigned automatically.
Worker assign to the work order in Asset management
Hi Zoe, Some notes:
Before you can set up preferred workers, you must first set up available workers and worker groups.
Set the active option to yes when creating workers to schedule workers on work orders.
Also note that when setting preferred workers, please be specific. Generally, when a preferred worker is selected during work order scheduling, Enterprise Asset Management goes through all preferred worker records to check for a possible match, always checking the most specific combination first. This means that, first, a possible match regarding Trade is checked. If no match is found, Variant is checked. If no match is found, Job type is checked, and so on. As you can see in the layout of the form, this means that Enterprise Asset Management checks each record from right to left for a match (Trade, then Variant, then Job type, Job group, Object, Object type) to find the most specific combination. If no match is found, the "default" record with no selections in those fields is used.
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