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Round problem Sales Line

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

So Hi everyone, I've created a page where I use a list of sales order. Here the source table of my page is "Sales Line" and when i enter the same item twice (or more times) the round of the price in the column "Amount Including VAT" is not right, shpuld be always the same value but for each line have differences.

Here's the image below.


I try to comment this code in Sales Line table

Amount Including VAT - OnValidate()
"Amount Including VAT" := ROUND("Amount Including VAT",Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");

But everything stay the same... any idea?

  • Hannes Holst Profile Picture
    Hannes Holst 5,767 on at
    RE: Round problem Sales Line

    I can't help you any further. Next step would be to debugg the problem.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Round problem Sales Line

    The code dind't work... it's the same

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Round problem Sales Line

    I will try your code, thanks. I don't know why this is modified

  • Hannes Holst Profile Picture
    Hannes Holst 5,767 on at
    RE: Round problem Sales Line


    This is the standard code of the OnValidate-Trigger of field "Amount Including VAT" of NAV2017:

    "Amount Including VAT" := ROUND("Amount Including VAT",Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
    CASE "VAT Calculation Type" OF
      "VAT Calculation Type"::"Normal VAT",
      "VAT Calculation Type"::"Reverse Charge VAT":
          Amount :=
              "Amount Including VAT" /
              (1 + (1 - SalesHeader."VAT Base Discount %" / 100) * "VAT %" / 100),
              Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
          "VAT Base Amount" :=
            ROUND(Amount * (1 - SalesHeader."VAT Base Discount %" / 100),Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
      "VAT Calculation Type"::"Full VAT":
          Amount := 0;
          "VAT Base Amount" := 0;
      "VAT Calculation Type"::"Sales Tax":
          SalesHeader.TESTFIELD("VAT Base Discount %",0);
          Amount :=
              "Tax Area Code","Tax Group Code","Tax Liable",SalesHeader."Posting Date",
              "Amount Including VAT","Quantity (Base)",SalesHeader."Currency Factor");
          IF Amount <> 0 THEN
            "VAT %" :=
              ROUND(100 * ("Amount Including VAT" - Amount) / Amount,0.00001)
            "VAT %" := 0;
          Amount := ROUND(Amount,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
          "VAT Base Amount" := Amount;

    As you can see, you have some modifications in your code:

     (1 + (1 - SalesHeader."VAT Base Discount %" / 100) * ("VAT %" + "ND %") / 100), //soft,n

    This could be a reason for the problem.
    What is the relation to the "Purchase Quote Subform"?

    It's difficult to troubleshoot the problem because it possible was created due to customized code.
    When you create a clean database without customization, you will notice that this problem will not occur.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Round problem Sales Line

    In table "Sales Line" I have this code for "Amout Including Vat" field

    Amount Including VAT - OnValidate()
    //"Amount Including VAT" := ROUND("Amount Including VAT",Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
    CASE "VAT Calculation Type" OF
      "VAT Calculation Type"::"Normal VAT",
      "VAT Calculation Type"::"Reverse Charge VAT",
      "VAT Calculation Type"::"No Taxable VAT": //soft,n
          Amount :=
              "Amount Including VAT" /
              //soft,o (1 + (1 - SalesHeader."VAT Base Discount %" / 100) * "VAT %" / 100),
              (1 + (1 - SalesHeader."VAT Base Discount %" / 100) * ("VAT %" + "ND %") / 100), //soft,n
              Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
          "VAT Base Amount" :=
            ROUND(Amount * (1 - SalesHeader."VAT Base Discount %" / 100),Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
      "VAT Calculation Type"::"Full VAT":
          Amount := 0;
          "VAT Base Amount" := 0;
      "VAT Calculation Type"::"Sales Tax":
          SalesHeader.TESTFIELD("VAT Base Discount %",0);
          Amount :=
              "Tax Area Code","Tax Group Code","Tax Liable",SalesHeader."Posting Date",
              "Amount Including VAT","Quantity (Base)",SalesHeader."Currency Factor");
          IF Amount <> 0 THEN
            "VAT %" :=
              ROUND(100 * ("Amount Including VAT" - Amount) / Amount,0.00001)
            //soft,o "VAT %" := 0;
              "VAT %" := 0;
              "ND %" := 0;
          Amount := ROUND(Amount,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
          "VAT Base Amount" := Amount;
    "Pmt. Disc. Given Amount" := 0; //soft,n

    In my page "Purchase Quote Subform" I have this function called several times, to recalculate the amounts RedistributeTotalsOnAfterValidate

    LOCAL RedistributeTotalsOnAfterValidate
    PurchHeader.GET("Document Type","Document No.");
    IF DocumentTotals.PurchaseCheckNumberOfLinesLimit(PurchHeader) THEN

  • Hannes Holst Profile Picture
    Hannes Holst 5,767 on at
    RE: Round problem Sales Line


    sorry, I did misunderstand your question.

    The field "Amount Including VAT" is calculated in the Table "Sales Line" and not in the page.

    Are you sure you do not have any customization in the table "Sales Line"?

    I'm not sure for NAV2016, but in NAV2017 there is no function called "GetPurchHeader" in that table.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Round problem Sales Line

    This page is new and use Sales Header table and another page linekd to sales Line


  • Hannes Holst Profile Picture
    Hannes Holst 5,767 on at
    RE: Round problem Sales Line

    Did you create a new Subpage or do you use an existing one?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Round problem Sales Line

    which variables? Can you ellaborate pls?

  • Hannes Holst Profile Picture
    Hannes Holst 5,767 on at
    RE: Round problem Sales Line


    Maybe you didn't reset the variables for the new line?

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