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disabling menu item bassed on condition

Posted on by 248

I added a menu item on SalesLine grid in 'both salesTable' form and 'ProjSalesItemReq' form. Where these two forms have "SalesTable" and "SalesLine" as datasources

I want this menu item to be enabled only if SalesTable.SalesStatus = backOrder

is the only way to do it on active method for for salesLine datasource on both forms? just trying to see if there is another way than what i did, which will save calling the logic each time on active method for salesLine even though i'm checking SalesTable status
[ExtensionOf(formDataSourceStr(SalesTable, SalesLine))]
final class SalesTableSalesLineFormDS_Extension
    public int active()
     int ret = next active();

         FormDataSource salesTableDataSource = element.dataSource(formDataSourceStr(SalesTable, SalesTable)) as FormDataSource;         
         SalesTable  salesTable  = salesTableDataSource.cursor();

         if(salesTableDataSource && salesTable && salesTable.SalesStatus == SalesStatus::Backorder)
     return ret;
[ExtensionOf(formDataSourceStr(ProjSalesItemReq, SalesLine))]
final class ProjSalesItemReqFormDS_Extension
    public int active()
     int ret = next active();

         FormDataSource salesTableDataSource = element.dataSource(formDataSourceStr(ProjSalesItemReq, SalesTable)) as FormDataSource;         
         SalesTable  salesTable  = salesTableDataSource.cursor();

         if(salesTableDataSource && salesTable && salesTable.SalesStatus == SalesStatus::Backorder)
     return ret;
  • Suggested answer
    Waed Ayyad Profile Picture
    Waed Ayyad 3,904 on at
    disabling menu item bassed on condition
    Since your condition logic depends on SalesTable then I recommend you add it on the active and init method of SalesTable data source.
    Waed Ayyad
    If this helped, please mark it as "Verified" for others facing the same issue

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