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Supply Chain Management forum

Register raw material consumption on asset management

Posted on by 6
Good morning everyone,
I want to set-up as asset on /asset management/ that represents my production line. Is it possible to register material consumption (for instance the raw material consumption) on that asset? Actually, I use projects to register the consumption of my production campaigns, but I want to use assets in order to introduce also maintenance in the future.
My aim is to see the material consumption of the asset, or have a strong link with the project (actually I can link the project only on the financial dimension).
Thank you all!
  • Verified answer
    andreasraithel Profile Picture
    andreasraithel 4,604 on at
    Register raw material consumption on asset management
    as my understanding asset management is not designed to "post" material consumptions on an asset. You can have e.g. spare parts of the asset be posted to the asset to be visible in the asset history.
    Raw material is baiscally registerd and consumed by any kind of production orders that use a specific resource (could be machine, tool, ...) .
    A resoucre is used for manufacuring and can be scheduled for production of goods. Resources are created within the /organization administration/resources/
    Both assets and resoucres (and as well fixed assets) can be linked by using the Resouce selection in the /Fixed Asset/ Fasttab of the asset.master data.
    If needed work order planing and resource scheduling for a specfic asset (with this linked resource) can be combined.
    And you can track an asset usage with defining a counter that is counted up by an production order. And finally the counter can be used for the asset maintenance.
    Hope this helps.
    Herzliche Grüße / kind regards,
    Andreas Raithel
    D365FO Solution Architect

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