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Finance forum

HcmWorkerEntity to cdm_workers duplicate record on 'Worker number' field

Posted on by 3,045
We are attempting to import records into F&O and then have dual-write push them into the dataverse.  Some of our workers have been inserted without issue, however, others end up throwing this error:
Results. Unable to write data to entity cdm_workers.Writes to HcmWorkerEntity failed with error message Request failed with status code PreconditionFailed and CDS error code : 
0x80060892 response message: A record that has the attribute values Worker Number already exists. The entity key Worker Number requires that this set of attributes contains unique values. 
Select unique values and try again.. Activity ID for troubleshooting {GUID}
I have confirmed that the 'Woker Number' (Personnel number in F&O) is not a duplicate.  This lead me to believe that there is something else happening.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 288,584 Super User on at
    HcmWorkerEntity to cdm_workers duplicate record on 'Worker number' field
    Thanks for the update, Brad. Do you want to have the question open, pending another reply from Microsoft or do you want to mark a reply to set this question to answered.
  • Verified answer
    b_radlyjames Profile Picture
    b_radlyjames 3,045 on at
    HcmWorkerEntity to cdm_workers duplicate record on 'Worker number' field
    The only response from Microsoft on this was to use virtual entities instead of dual-write.  I was able to confirm that this does work and workers now successfully push to the dataverse.
    I'm still hoping for a solution to the dual-write issue from MS.
  • b_radlyjames Profile Picture
    b_radlyjames 3,045 on at
    HcmWorkerEntity to cdm_workers duplicate record on 'Worker number' field
    Thank you.  I was able to find the known issue referenced by Navneeth, however, it isn't the same error nor does it apply to what we are doing.
    We have engaged our partner and are hoping to get a path forward soon. I will post here when some sort of resolution or work around is reached.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 288,584 Super User on at
    HcmWorkerEntity to cdm_workers duplicate record on 'Worker number' field
    Hi Brad,

    In case the field mapping on the dual write settings are correct, you can check LCS issue search for known issues or log an incident for Microsoft Support.
  • b_radlyjames Profile Picture
    b_radlyjames 3,045 on at
    HcmWorkerEntity to cdm_workers duplicate record on 'Worker number' field
    1. No, I am not creating the worker with compensation details.
    2. No, there have been no pauses during our various testing scenarios.
    3. No.
    4. No.
    Could you post a link to the known issue?
  • Navneeth Nagrajan Profile Picture
    Navneeth Nagrajan 1,339 on at
    HcmWorkerEntity to cdm_workers duplicate record on 'Worker number' field

    A few questions:
    1. Are you creating a worker with compensation details or you are excluding the compensation details while creating the worker?
    2. Were there any pauses being made while synchronizing the worker details?
    3. Are you using the Worker actions feature alongwith the compensation details?
    4. Do you have the Worker Person Details map enabled?

    If questions 1 and 3 is a yes, then this is a known issue. If question number 4 is a yes, then there is a new entity that's not using the worker as a root data source. 
    Happy to answer questions, if any.
  • b_radlyjames Profile Picture
    b_radlyjames 3,045 on at
    HcmWorkerEntity to cdm_workers duplicate record on 'Worker number' field
    Another scenario tested:
    I deleted ALL records in the dataverse Workers (cdm_workers) table, turned on dual-write (No initial sync), and then attempted to create a new worker in F&O.
    Same error.
  • b_radlyjames Profile Picture
    b_radlyjames 3,045 on at
    HcmWorkerEntity to cdm_workers duplicate record on 'Worker number' field
    Another note on this:
    If I turn of dual-write and then insert my records, it works.  I can also turn dual-write back on and run the initial sync.
    That will sync over the new records I inserted.
    However, once dual-write is running again, the error will occur when creating new records.
  • b_radlyjames Profile Picture
    b_radlyjames 3,045 on at
    HcmWorkerEntity to cdm_workers duplicate record on 'Worker number' field
    This error is originating from the dataverse and being passed through to F&O when a Worker record insert is attempted.
  • Suggested answer
    Bharani Preetham Peraka Profile Picture
    Bharani Preetham Pe... 3,528 Super User on at
    HcmWorkerEntity to cdm_workers duplicate record on 'Worker number' field
    I don't think so the error is actually coming from FO. Can you check with the dataverse team? Because if it is in FO you can simply connect with db from any dev vm and check the duplicate records either from the importing data or existing records. If not and this error is coming when trying to write into dual write to dataverse then I think it can be from dataverse.

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