Hello all, I got this product defined with some attributes. One of which is a boolean, set to yes. Over time we find this product with the attribute as no. Is there a known issue? has anyone experienced this scenario? thanks in advance.
F&O>Modules>Product information management>Products>Product Attributes
You can check to see when the attribute values are usually changed, or when the conditions are met, the attribute values are changed. It is likely that some condition or automated setting was triggered.
Product attribute basically are associated to procurement or other product categories. When we change the association from a product to an other category the attribues can be newly asociated to the product and may be there will be the default attribute value applied and overrides the current attribute value.
Also it is recommended to have for each product attribute and dedicated product attribute type. If this is not the case it may be there is also any kind of initialize process which changes on a product attribute value that is already assigend to a product.
For detailled analyze you can figure out the basic table behind the product attribute values and look to the modifieddate and modifiedby information (if it i active on this table) to have an idea what has happened.
Herzliche Grüße / kind regards,
Andreas Raithel
D365FO Solution Architect
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