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Remove user access in D365 app for outlook

Posted on by 15

Is there a way to remove user access to the D365 app for outlook. I only see enabling users in the CRM app. 

  • RE: Remove user access in D365 app for outlook


    can you try to give the privileges mentioned above?


    Venkatesh N

  • blckPingu Profile Picture
    blckPingu 15 on at
    RE: Remove user access in D365 app for outlook

    Thank you for this. My apologies. I didn't specify that I was in on-prem version to be exact. I wasn't able to see the security role in the list.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Remove user access in D365 app for outlook


    The security role Dynamics 365 App for Outlook User is available from build or later. If a user doesn’t have this security role or its underlying privileges, they’ll receive the following error: You haven't been authorized to use this app.

    1.  go to Settings > Advanced Settings.


    2. Go Settings > Security and then select Users.


    3. Select the users from the list and then select Manage Roles.


    4. In the Manage User Roles dialog, uncheck the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook User security role to the users and then select OK.


      Privilege name Table Location (tab) within security role
      prvReadEmailServerProfile EmailServerProfile Business Management
      prvWriteMailbox Mailbox Business Management
      prvReadMailbox Mailbox Business Management
      prvReadOrganization Organization Business Management
      prvSyncToOutlook (exchangesyncidmapping Outlook Business Management > Privacy-related privileges
      prvReadActionCard ActionCard Core Records
      prvDeleteActivity Activity Core Records
      prvAppendActivity Activity Core Records
      prvWriteActivity Activity Core Records
      prvCreateActivity Activity Core Records
      prvReadActivity Activity Core Records
      prvAppendToActivity Activity Core Records
      prvReadConnection Connection Core Records
      prvAssignContact Contact Core Records
      prvReadContact Contact Core Records
      prvWriteContact Contact Core Records
      prvCreateContact Contact Core Records
      prvDeleteContact Contact Core Records
      prvReadUserQuery Saved View Core Records
      prvReadQueue Queue Core Records
      prvReadQuery View Customization
      prvReadIncident Case Service
      prvSearchAvailability   Service Management > Miscellaneous Privileges

      Service Management > Miscellaneous Privileges


      Venkatesh N

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