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Connecting to UAT environment from DevTest Environment and KeyVault Secrets

Posted on by 4
Hello, I have been working on debugging a UAT environment through a DevTest environment and had some issues with encryption. I have checked through this post here:
Encryption error while debugging UAT environment from Devtest environment (

I see that importing in secrets between environments isn't possible since that's a Microsoft limitation currently. In this case however, since the Devtest environment is connecting to the UAT database rather than importing the data, I would have thought the secrets could carry over in this way. Correct me if I am wrong, but is there still a way to get around the issue of having to re-enter in secrets when connecting through Devtest? Thanks in advance.
  • Connecting to UAT environment from DevTest Environment and KeyVault Secrets
    the link should be updated properly now, not sure why it wasn't working before.
    Thanks for the response, that clears up a lot for me. Currently both environments should be using the same keys from the same keyvault. When you say connection will require the appropriate credentials, shouldn't this follow those conditions then? Or is the encryption still going to be different?
  • Connecting to UAT environment from DevTest Environment and KeyVault Secrets
  • Suggested answer
    PerezAguiar Profile Picture
    PerezAguiar on at
    Connecting to UAT environment from DevTest Environment and KeyVault Secrets
    The link you've shared seems broken.  However, and as a general Security behavior:  If environment 1 is encrypted with some credentials/key, any kind of access to this data either from another environment or from a tool that will simply connect, will require to decrypt such data with the right key.  Other environments most likely will NOT be encrypted the same way or with same key.  Therefore, you should use the appropriate credentials/Key to access the data on it.
    This is valid to connect/read the data from that environment.  Even if it's another environment on the same tenant, the condition should still apply:  Connection will require the appropriate key/Credentials.

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