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Auto deduct items

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Hi , 

I have an issue where  PO items linked to Project get deducted after performing the PO receipt.


Could any one tell if there is any other functionality where the set-up needs to be checked so that the items do not get deducted when the purchase order is received. 

  • Suggested answer
    Jun Wang Profile Picture
    Jun Wang 3,693 Super User on at
    Auto deduct items
    the issue might be following. when you create a PO and specify to a job/job task. the usage won't be auto applied correctly to the job. I guess you might come across this message
    if you choose yes, BC will receive the item but immediate auto create an auto negative adjustment to get rid of the item from the entry. So the item was not consumed but adjusted off cause BC doesn't think this is right. I don't why BC behave this way instead of not allowing user to receive. 
    If you choose no, it goes back to the PO document. below screen shows a purchased item being adjusted off by BC when choosing yes. 
    a solution/workaround is to purchase item without link it to a job. do the receive. then on job journal, manually create a line and specify the apply to entry no. to choose which item to consume. 
    Jun Wang
  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 11 on at
    Auto deduct items
    Thank you for your response. My concern lies in how to effectively monitor our inventory levels. In practice, even after assigning a purchase order (PO) to a job, the items remain in our physical inventory or warehouse. Therefore, our client faces the issue of not being able to precisely determine the exact quantity of each item on hand. Additionally, I am wondering if there is a way to adjust the inventory or to have a real-time inventory level available.
  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 4,198 Super User on at
    Auto deduct items
    That's by design. When you receive the items in inventory, they automatically get consumed by the job. That makes sense because if you specify a job in the purchase lines, the items are then intended for the job, not for inventory. I don't believe there is a way around it, other than not specifying a job in the purchase order lines. You would then have to manually consume the items to the job. 
    Valentin Castravet
    Zander ERP Services

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