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Microsoft Dynamics AX forum

Return Lot ID missing on Return Sales Order

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi all,

I've been testing with the return orders and having trouble with the following: I want to create a return order based on a sales order. In fact you should see the relation between RO and SO within the 'Return lot ID' field. Unfortunately this field is still empty.

Could anyone help me out here?

Hope to hear from you.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Return Lot ID missing on Return Sales Order

    Hi, In AX 7 when you click on Return Order Tab in the Return Order screen, there is Return - > Find Sales Order, you can click that and select the SO, then the Return LOt ID will be populated.

  • 5400 Profile Picture
    5400 7,160 on at
    RE: Return Lot ID missing on Return Sales Order

    You can distinguished through only return lot Id number in return order line tab. if you want to display copy sales order number, you have write small display method which will display the original SO number.

    Please wait for other response to take final call.    

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Return Lot ID missing on Return Sales Order

    Actually, my question is how I can see the related Sales Order in the Return Order. In my list page I've added the colomn Sales Order, but when I open the return order I can't see any related information. Do you understand?

  • 5400 Profile Picture
    5400 7,160 on at
    RE: Return Lot ID missing on Return Sales Order

    Yes, It should create the inventTransid and inventTransidreturn. what is your question is it creating same value for both the field Lotid and lot id return.  you mean to say there is no marking between return order and mapped sale order.

    Once you create the return order, please go to SO UI and check under line view setup tab, It should be display.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Return Lot ID missing on Return Sales Order

    I created a return order under Sales and marketing/Common/Return orders/All return orders and than I select the button 'Find sales order'.

  • 5400 Profile Picture
    5400 7,160 on at
    RE: Return Lot ID missing on Return Sales Order

    What do you mean return order. Are you creating credit note fro same sale order or are you creating sales order type return.

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