I am looking an easy way to sale a product (in fact a service) and to book the resource on it after.
I know there is PSA or service scheduling.
I trying PSA, but it seem to be a mess.
Service scheduling is quite What i need but it does not take skill in account.
Then What I need is sell a service for exemple a
the service : week end on the montain.
This is a package of (2 houres of Mountain bike, 2 night in an hotel, 4 meals, 4 houres climb with 1 teacher for a group of 10 peoples, and 4 houres of walk in the mountain)
2 hours of bike, we then need a GPS and a Bike, and a personnal guide with skill bike/sport (client can choose when they want to take the bike, according bike, gps,personnal guid avaibility)
2 nights in the hotel, we need to check if we still have bedroom
4 hours of climb we need to check about 5 rope and 1 teacher with cliber skill for the all the group. then create an activity that can contain 10 people. (it s a fixe period)
4 hours of walk : we need gps (client can choose when they want to go according gps avaibility)
Can you tell me how to do it ?
my flow would be (how i think it), opportunity on the contact with a product bundle sport on the mountain.
in the bundle all the product explained before.
One the opportunity is close a won. the different product are display in the service scheduler and have to be set during the week end specified on the opportunity.
if there is no time slot available (no bed room, all bike taken , no climb teacher ) for the week end the client ask we should then have an alert on the date