We have some back-office software that among other things, transfers invoices into Microsoft Dynamics GP. We are testing an upgrade of that software and when trying to transfer invoices, we are getting an error about a missing ACTNUMBR_7 and ACTNUMBR_8 column. (ours only goes to ACTNUMBR_6). We did a trace and they are trying to get those columns from GL00105 table. Seems like they forgot that in some implementations those columns do not exist.
We were hoping to complete the upgrade on 9/11 and am looking for a workaround. Unfortunately I'm not a GP expert which is why I'm asking the question here. We have reported the bug to the customer and they said they are working on it but it could be a while. This is a somewhat minor part of functionality of this whole upgrade and I'm looking for workarounds.
Is it possible to add the ACTNUMBR_7 and ACTNUMBR_8 columns (via straight SQL) without corrupting GP? Here is a sample row from our GL00105.
Would I need to add these columns also to GL00100?
1749 | 3090 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 3090-4-0-000 | 3164 |
Again I'm not an expert in GP tables. I've went through a few GP upgrades but this isn't my specialty. If this is a way off the wall question, we can wait until they release another update that fixes this bug.
But this is the only thing we have came up with in our testing and was hoping for a workaround.